Saturday Evening Post: The Artful Dodger (Remo Williams)
I've never understood Hollywood. Case in point: The flick from which the clip above is drawn. Now your garden variety 6-year-old yard ape would be more likely to come up with a better title...
Mel Gibson’s Got a Thing for Blued Steel Guns, Apparently has published the LA PD's list of Mel Gibson's confiscated guns. Given Mel's millions, the Aussie actor's blued-steel arsenal is nothing to write home about (I'm not sending my Mom this link)....
Sunday Morning Funnies. Late Edition.
Okay...REALY late edition. It's the Daylight Savings Switch. So shoot me.
Kidd Russell Supports Relaxing Chicago Permit Laws. Apparently.
The song we are sending you is a record like Tupac's "dear momma' or eminem's "stan." The video has aired on MTV2, MTV Jams and was written up in the Chicago Redeye. The song is...
Sunday Morning Funnies: 10 Ways to Kill a Pumpkin.
One of my favorite arguments coming from the Lunatic Left, KoolAid-drinking gun-grabbing Progressives, gun-control advocates is that if you take away private ownership of guns, violence would be virtually eliminated. Um . . . not...
Defenshield Stands Behind Its Products—Until It Doesn’t
Finally: A .40 Caliber Pumpkin!
So I'm thinking, "What in the Hell am I gonna do for a Halloween-themed post this week. Well all I've got to say is "Thank God for YouTube." And guys like this who come...
NRA Bored Member Ted Nugent Annexes Outdoor Channel
The Outdoor Channel may not be putting all its eggs in a Ted Nugent-shaped basket, but "the Nuge's" expanded commitment to the network is no yolk. (Neither is that, really.) The channel's press release boasts...
What’s Wrong with This Picture?
your eyes: You're not dreaming. Get ready to lock and load with today's sure-fire hit of a deal by paying $65 to spend the afternoon Shootin' & Drinkin' with Urban Escapes. At 55% off...