Saturday Evening Post: The Artful Dodger (Remo Williams)

3 I've never understood Hollywood. Case in point: The flick from which the clip above is drawn. Now your garden variety 6-year-old yard ape would be more likely to come up with a better title...

Mel Gibson’s Got a Thing for Blued Steel Guns, Apparently

1 has published the LA PD's list of Mel Gibson's confiscated guns. Given Mel's millions, the Aussie actor's blued-steel arsenal is nothing to write home about (I'm not sending my Mom this link)....

Gun Control Works!


Sunday Morning Funnies. Late Edition.

0 Okay...REALY late edition. It's the Daylight Savings Switch. So shoot me.

Kidd Russell Supports Relaxing Chicago Permit Laws. Apparently.

0 The song we are sending you is a record like Tupac's "dear momma' or eminem's "stan." The video has aired on MTV2, MTV Jams and was written up in the Chicago Redeye. The song is...

Sunday Morning Funnies: 10 Ways to Kill a Pumpkin.

1 One of my favorite arguments coming from the Lunatic Left, KoolAid-drinking gun-grabbing Progressives,  gun-control advocates is that if you take away private ownership of guns, violence would be virtually eliminated. Um . . . not...

Bang Bang

2 A lot of people labor under the impression that you simply aim a shotgun in the general direction of the threat, pull the trigger and be done with it (skipping the loading, prepping and...

Defenshield Stands Behind Its Products—Until It Doesn’t


Finally: A .40 Caliber Pumpkin!

0 So I'm thinking, "What in the Hell am I gonna do for a Halloween-themed post this week. Well all I've got to say is "Thank God for YouTube." And guys like this who come...

NRA Bored Member Ted Nugent Annexes Outdoor Channel

1 The Outdoor Channel may not be putting all its eggs in a Ted Nugent-shaped basket, but "the Nuge's" expanded commitment to the network is no yolk. (Neither is that, really.) The channel's press release boasts...

What’s Wrong with This Picture?

your eyes: You're not dreaming. Get ready to lock and load with today's sure-fire hit of a deal by paying $65 to spend the afternoon Shootin' & Drinkin' with Urban Escapes. At 55% off...