Die Widescreen TV! Die!


Obscure Object of Desire: Heat-Seeking NERF Vulcan

The genesis of inventor Rick Prescott's infrared seeking Sentinel (a.k.a. "Dilbert's Revenge") from the man himself, via makezine.com: An idea sparked in my mind one day while walking the toy gun isle in a store with my...

Concealed Carry Shirts: Ironic or Moronic?

I recently (um...about 5 minutes ago) stumbled across this Zazzle site for concealed carry-wear. I'm of two minds about most of these. I think they're funny, but they also defeat the entire concept of...

“The American is an action thriller that adamantly refuses to deliver action or thrills”

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ywmoXZwkA0 The Washington Post reckons that the trailer for The American isn't entirely misleading. "George Clooney brings his most somber, furrowed game face to the role of a hit man named Jack, who as the...

“The final straw came when Hansen says Miranda pulled a shotgun on her after...

Jersey Shore. Snooki. New boyfriend Jeff Miranda. monstersandcritics.com: "The protection order was reportedly filed by Rebecca Hansen in April 2009, in Ocean County, New Jersey. Legal documents state that the couple dated for six...

“Hey Dad, Why Would The Romans Stone People to Death?”

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIaORknS1Dk "'Cause they didn't have any guns." Jude Law in Repo Men.

Sunday Morning Funnies: 1911

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4beoMWwtXyw Weebles wobble but they won't fall down...

Saturday Evening Post: Now THIS is Gun Control!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrJwSYr9SMg You wanna see gun control? Watch this little clip. Gotta love snipers...

“Mesrine: L’ennemi Public Numéro 1” Arrive Aux Etats Unis

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7gIy4H-nU0 Le New York Times dit "c'est pal mal ca." Or something like that.

Lindsay Lohan a No-Show at Machete Premiere

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHMnuNLOj8k&feature=player_embedded Ms. Lohan was a no-show in the gun-filled trailer as well. What's that all about?

Luv Dem Gun Sounds Official Video Released

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeY5UxhE4rE Tell me again why the National Rifle Association doesn't reach out to the African-American community?

Leaving Home – Chapter 12 – Somali Pirates

There are numerous ways to communicate from one vessel to another when at sea: maritime radio, lights flashing Morse code, semaphore flags, flaghoist signals, and gale pennants and hurricane flags. But when facing down...