Sunday Morning Funnies: The Professionals

0 Ah, the wonders of AlGore's InterWeb thingy. No, I'm not talking about Mr. Global Warming's failed attempt at creating a television network "for the rest of us." No, I'm referring to the fact that...

Saturday Evening Post: Old Spice Guy.

0 If you watch TV (and let's face it...who doesn't?) you've likely seen the weirdly funny Old Spice commercials featuring the "Old Spice Guy" who is simultaneously a man's man and a ladies man (nice...

I Shot the Sheriff


And How Was Your Day? (7.15.10)

"That's it," the armorer declared. "I'm officially bored." He hobbled back to his police pal and leaned his Bushmaster ACR against a tree. "What's up?" I asked. "I came here to shoot handguns," he declared. The armorer stared at Captain...

Robert DeNiro Lacks Trigger Discipline

More Machete mishegas. After Lindsay Lohan's habitual barrel-licking promo poster, the film's marketing mavens have released this shot of Robert DeNiro as corrupt Senator McLaughlin. Person or person unknown hire Sr. Machete to assassinate Bobby....

And How Was Your Day? (7.14.10)

"Sometimes the people in this place scare me," I told David. "That's why we have guns," he replied.

Book Review: The Rembrandt Affair by Daniel Silva

When generating sequels, authors develop a recognizable template for stamping out their stories. The public demands it. Publishers require it. The ribbons around the literary tent pole must be familiar. Predictable. Safe. But I...

Lindsay Lohan Likes Licking Guns. Apparently.

This is one of the porno--- I mean promo posters for a forthcoming Lindsay Lohan vehicle called Machete. Well, of course it is. And you'll forgive me for saying I suspect that Ms. Lohan...

Heroes of the Hollywood West: Walter Brennan

0 Full disclosure: I do a pretty good Walter Brennan impression. I liked ol' Walter from his days on The Real McCoys (whu...whu...whu...whur's lil' Luke, ye knotheads?) to the Guns of Will Sonnet (No brag...

Eighteen With A Bullet

0 I first heard ‘Eighteen with a Bullet’ during the long hot summer of 1975. It gradually moved up the charts and peaked (ironically enough) at #18 in November 1975. The song is a soulful...

Leaving Home – Chapter Nine – The Executioner

The walk from Neko II’s gangplank to the guardhouse at the foot of the dock was laborious. Little ridges of black tar bubbled out of the dock’s creosote-impregnated timbers.  Each step across the dock...

Does A Woman Commit Suicide in Red Dead Redemption?

0 It's hard to tell from this clip. It's also hard to explain why passively observing a character blowing her brains out with a gun is somehow "worse" than actively participating in the rest of...