The Firearms Book That Peter Darbyshire Should Write
Here's the intro from novelist Peter Darbyshire's writing lesson # 1, as featured at Canada's so anti-gun-you-wonder-how-the-hell-this-got-past-the-editors National Post. Curiously, the name of the lesson is "write what you know." Go figure.
When I was around...
NYT on “Annie Get Your Gun”: Meh
Irving Berlin's musical Annie get Your Gun has been revived more times than all the patients in Trauma: Life in the ER combined. It's hard to see why. Sure, the feminist angle's pretty strong....
Saturday Musical Interlude: Send Lawyers, Guns and Money
Good morning to you too! Brad: if you want to post another clip later, rock and roll.
Grey’s Anatomy Season Finale Guns Down Rivals; Why The SWAT Team Didn’t Take a...
Variety reports that Grey's Anatomy's season finale was a hit. The show wasn't as big a hit as last year's finale, but what do you want, blood? Well yes, obviously. Before I share...
BangBang Cinema: Smokin Aces 2 – Assassin’s Ball
When you make a (meager) living watching movies and then writing about them, you see a lot, a lot, a lot of movies. Many of them are crap. Many of those crappy films get...
Hawaii Five-O Remake Lacks Original’s Earnestness
"On the show, the relationship between McGarrett (O'Loughlin) and Danno (Scott Caan) is comparable to Danny Glover and Mel Gibson in 'Lethal Weapon' where they love each other, but make each other nuts." The...
Grey’s Anatomy Shooter Fingers “Local Superstore”
Last night's Grey's Anatomy season finale featured a spree killer with a grudge. Apparently, every member of the hospital staff was told that the best way to deal with a shooter is to "connect...
Vegetarian Gunslingers? Welcome to Bollywood Baby!
Leaving Home – Chapter Two
Everything I can remember about Portugal is what I could see from the boat: the hulls of freighters bleeding rust tied alongside us, to a battered old dock. The Neko II stood out from...
Saturday Evening Post: My Rifle, My Pony & Me
Fearless Leader (RF to you) has wondered about the, shall we say "tenuous" links between firearms and some of the videos I've posted for our Saturday music posts. As I've pointed out to him,...