NAGR’s New SuperPAC Debuts TV Ad Warning Kentuckians About McMurtry’s Anti-Gun Record
From Gun Rights America:
NAGR’s new SuperPAC, Gun Rights America, made its debut with a TV commercial warning Kentucky Republicans about attorney Todd McMurtry’s anti-gun record as he tries to defeat pro-gun hero Congressman Thomas...
NAGR Running TV Ads Highlighting Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls’ Anti-Gun Rant
From NAGR:
The National Association for Gun Rights launched a new TV ad Monday exposing Fort Bend County (Texas) Sheriff Troy Nehls for his attacks on the Second Amendment.
In the TV ad, which may be...
Don’t Think an AR-15 Is a Good Home Defense Gun? Think Again
By National Association for Gun Rights
Time and time again, gun-grabbers try to justify their calls for an AR-15 ban with one question: “Why on earth do you need an AR-15 for self-defense?”
In March, Senator...