Right to carry by state (courtesy ammoland.com)

National Carry Reciprocity: A Blessing for Republicans

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed H.R. 38, recently amended to be the “Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017.“ Voting for and passing the bill in the House, and then in the Senate,...
Nancy Pelosi's lying about national reciprocity

Nancy Pelosi Claims National Reciprocity will Allow “Violent Criminals” to Carry Concealed Guns

This past week the House of Representatives passed HR 38, the National Reciprocity Act. A piece of legislation that gun owners have been demanding for decades. To no one's surprise, gun control activists have...
Bloomberg realizes the Second Amendment could soon apply in New York City

Bloomberg Fears Of Guns in Times Square Closer to Reality: Quote of the Day

"Imagine walking through Times Square -- or Las Vegas -- and wondering if the stranger next to you, perhaps acting oddly, might be carrying a gun. There are reasons why New York, Nevada, and...
The Constitution applies to all 50 states, even where guns are concerned

News Flash: The Constitution Applies to All 50 States

Here's a novel concept: enumerated civil rights apply equally in every state in the union. Can speech be more stringently regulated in Maryland than it can in Montana? Do police have broader search and...

Inconvenient Truth: National Reciprocity is Constitutional

Yeah, well that's not exactly new. Noah Feldman makes the inconvenient point that no matter what you think about federal preemption and states' rights, nothing about national reciprocity would be unconstitutional . . . Muddy...

National Reciprocity Puts New Yorkers at Risk: Quote of the Day

"The appalling House vote for concealed carry reciprocity puts all New Yorkers at risk. This legislation would let individuals from out-of-state convicted of certain crimes carry hidden, loaded weapons in New York, in violation...

House Speaker Paul Ryan Blocking National Reciprocity: “The Timing’s Not Right”

David Codrea writes : Speaker Paul Ryan will not allow Congressional action on national concealed carry reciprocity to move bills forward, Rep. Thomas Massie told host Mark Walters Thursday on Armed American Radio.  The reason given...

Walmart Sells Concealed Carry Clothing

WalMart is now selling a jacket specifically designed for concealed carry. While clothing designed for concealed carry has been available commercially for decades, WalMart's move into the CCW clothing market indicates the ongoing "mainstreaming"...
CBS (courtesy youtube.com)

CBS 60 Minutes’ Steve Kroft: My National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Report Was Fair and...

In the video below, CBS interviews its own reporter about yesterday's 60 Minutes report on National Concealed Carry Reciprocity. At 2:47, the interviewer asks Steve Kroft interviewer if he thought his report was fair. "Yeah....

After Being Targeted, Congressman Wants Gun License Reciprocity – for Congressmen

After surviving the attack on the GOP baseball team practice on Wednesday morning, Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) has come out swinging for gun license reciprocity -- partially, anyway. The Peach State representative wants gun...

Hats Off to Dan Wesson & CZ-USA

Dan Wesson (owned by CZ-USA) doesn't even make NFA items, but at the 2017 NRA Annual Meetings they were actively campaigning for our 2A rights by giving out thousands of the above hat for...
Why Second Amendment supporters should oppose national reciprocity.

Why Second Amendment Supporters Should Oppose A National Reciprocity Law

Reader Justin Russell writes: Let me start by stating that I am a Second Amendment absolutist. I don't believe that the right to keep and bear arms should be infringed for any reason. In fact, unlike...