New York Times’ Francis X. Clines vs. NRA’s Dana Loesch: It’s on!

30 The video above is NRA Commentator Dana Loesch's second video attacking The New York Times, in no uncertain terms. (Click here to watch her opening salvo.) Like most NRA TV videos, Loesch's lashing out at The Gray...

National Reciprocity and the NRA: The Battle Begins!

President Trump is due to address the National Rifle Association convention this weekend. There's no doubt that he'll get a standing ovation for, well, lots of things. But especially his support for national concealed...

Hats Off to Dan Wesson & CZ-USA

Dan Wesson (owned by CZ-USA) doesn't even make NFA items, but at the 2017 NRA Annual Meetings they were actively campaigning for our 2A rights by giving out thousands of the above hat for...

Firearms Reciprocity Protects Civil Rights: A Response to Robert VerBruggen

Is it right that sixteen million Americans with firearms licenses are effectively barred from traveling freely between the states? Should innocent citizens like Shaneen Allen languish in a New Jersey jail cell for daring to exercise a right purportedly...

After Being Targeted, Congressman Wants Gun License Reciprocity – for Congressmen

After surviving the attack on the GOP baseball team practice on Wednesday morning, Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) has come out swinging for gun license reciprocity -- partially, anyway. The Peach State representative wants gun...

National Reciprocity Bill: Could States Still Ban Carry on Private Property?

Representative Richard Hudson (R-NC) issued a press release yesterday about his Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R. 38), apparently responding to criticism that it would override state gun control laws. Mr. Hudson said: tate and local...

Walmart Sells Concealed Carry Clothing

WalMart is now selling a jacket specifically designed for concealed carry. While clothing designed for concealed carry has been available commercially for decades, WalMart's move into the CCW clothing market indicates the ongoing "mainstreaming"...

If Only Guns Were Regulated Like Cars

Last week I was Milwaukee-bound, heading for the NRA Carry Guard Expo in my BMW, listening to some of J.S. Bach's Two Part Inventions. I was tooling along at a speed that was (ahem)...

House Speaker Paul Ryan Blocking National Reciprocity: “The Timing’s Not Right”

David Codrea writes : Speaker Paul Ryan will not allow Congressional action on national concealed carry reciprocity to move bills forward, Rep. Thomas Massie told host Mark Walters Thursday on Armed American Radio.  The reason given...

NRA-ILA: Reports of National Reciprocity Bill’s Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

The NRA-ILA writes : Most concealed-carry permit holders understand the potential pitfalls of traveling with a firearm, given the outrageous patchwork of state laws involved in even a short interstate trip. And while we haven’t...

Three Arguments Against National Reciprocity And Why They’re Wrong

Gun control advocates are staring down the barrel of a bill for national concealed carry reciprocity. To say they're not comfortable with the idea is like saying action demanding Mom Shannon Watts is a...
North Carolina's Rep. Richard Hudson

House Scheduled to Mark Up HR 38, Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill Tomorrow

If a national concealed carry reciprocity bill enacted -- and that's a very big if -- it would strike the biggest single blow for gun rights in the United States since the Heller decision...