The New York Times' view of Concealed Carry Reciprocity (courtesy

The Truth About H.R.38 – The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017

Alan Korwin writes : On Dec. 7 2017 the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R.38 - Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017. The Senate's carry-bill -- S.446 - Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017...

Quote of the Day: The Advocate Goes After Guns

"Legally obtained or not, whether by 'good guys' or 'bad guys,' guns are the problem. If we’re serious about saving lives, we need to build a bolder, broader movement that finally tackles the problem...

Presenting The Honor Roll of States that Protect the Rights of Travellers

The prediction from TTAG's own Second Amendment Coalition member John Boch that Democratic Party intransigence will keep even the slightly watered-down Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill proposed in the Senate from passage this year is disappointing for many gun owners....

The Cause of National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Needs Your Help

By Roger J. Katz The Arbalest Quarrel recently published an article which also appeared here at The Truth About Guns, “Attention All Law Abiding Gun Owners: National Concealed Handgun Reciprocity is in Jeopardy.” And this wasn’t...
This man carries a gun because his daughter can't run and hide.

I Carry a Firearm Because My Daughter Can’t Run and Hide [Video]

Reader Steve S. writes: When the national concealed carry talk heated up and all of the rhetoric got hotter I felt there's a group of people who are being woefully ignored: the disabled. As the...

Kelli Ward at Yuma Primary Rally for Senate: National Reciprocity and Hearing Protection...

Dr. Kelli Ward had a campaign appearance in Yuma on Saturday night. Yuma is a conservative, military and agriculture town. She's running in the Republican primary for the Senate seat being vacated by the...

Firearms Reciprocity Protects Civil Rights: A Response to Robert VerBruggen

Is it right that sixteen million Americans with firearms licenses are effectively barred from traveling freely between the states? Should innocent citizens like Shaneen Allen languish in a New Jersey jail cell for daring to exercise a right purportedly...

Read the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017

The official Congressional website doesn't have the text of Texas Senator John Cornyn's bill S.446 (Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017). Fortunately, has uploaded a pdf of it. Click here to read it. My hot take...
North Carolina Congressman Richard Hudson

National Reciprocity Bill Sponsor On the Coming Full House Vote

By now you probably know that the House Judiciary committee passed HR 38 on Wednesday. The bill, which would create concealed carry reciprocity among all 50 states, passed on a 19-11 vote and would...
National reciprocity is evidence of GOP hypocrisy on states rights

Support for National Reciprocity Shows GOP Hypocrisy on States Rights: Quote of the Day

"When it comes to the federal government’s role, Republicans in state capitals have for decades pushed back at federal dictates, most recently on Obamacare and water rights. Yet when it comes to constitutional state...
North Carolina's Rep. Richard Hudson

House Scheduled to Mark Up HR 38, Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill Tomorrow

If a national concealed carry reciprocity bill enacted -- and that's a very big if -- it would strike the biggest single blow for gun rights in the United States since the Heller decision...

National Reciprocity Bill: Could States Still Ban Carry on Private Property?

Representative Richard Hudson (R-NC) issued a press release yesterday about his Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R. 38), apparently responding to criticism that it would override state gun control laws. Mr. Hudson said: tate and local...