National reciprocity is evidence of GOP hypocrisy on states rights

Support for National Reciprocity Shows GOP Hypocrisy on States Rights: Quote of the Day

"When it comes to the federal government’s role, Republicans in state capitals have for decades pushed back at federal dictates, most recently on Obamacare and water rights. Yet when it comes to constitutional state...
North Carolina Congressman Richard Hudson

National Reciprocity Bill Sponsor On the Coming Full House Vote

By now you probably know that the House Judiciary committee passed HR 38 on Wednesday. The bill, which would create concealed carry reciprocity among all 50 states, passed on a 19-11 vote and would...
Ret Gen Stanley McChrystal wants more gun control laws in the US

Retired Generals Against National Reciprocity – Quote of the Day

“In the aftermath of two of the country’s worst mass shootings, it’s an affront to both our safety as a nation and the common sense of its citizens that Congress would consider actually weakening...
NRA about to score a victory with national reciprocity bill.

Axios: NRA Victory is at Hand!

As a rather breathless Axios report by Alayna Treene begins, "The National Rifle Association is expected to score its first big legislative win of the year this week, when the House votes on a concealed-carry...
Bloomberg realizes the Second Amendment could soon apply in New York City

Bloomberg Fears Of Guns in Times Square Closer to Reality: Quote of the Day

"Imagine walking through Times Square -- or Las Vegas -- and wondering if the stranger next to you, perhaps acting oddly, might be carrying a gun. There are reasons why New York, Nevada, and...
Right to carry by state (courtesy

National Carry Reciprocity: A Blessing for Republicans

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed H.R. 38, recently amended to be the “Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017.“ Voting for and passing the bill in the House, and then in the Senate,...
Why Second Amendment supporters should oppose national reciprocity.

Why Second Amendment Supporters Should Oppose A National Reciprocity Law

Reader Justin Russell writes: Let me start by stating that I am a Second Amendment absolutist. I don't believe that the right to keep and bear arms should be infringed for any reason. In fact, unlike...
Nancy Pelosi's lying about national reciprocity

Nancy Pelosi Claims National Reciprocity will Allow “Violent Criminals” to Carry Concealed Guns

This past week the House of Representatives passed HR 38, the National Reciprocity Act. A piece of legislation that gun owners have been demanding for decades. To no one's surprise, gun control activists have...

National Reciprocity Puts New Yorkers at Risk: Quote of the Day

"The appalling House vote for concealed carry reciprocity puts all New Yorkers at risk. This legislation would let individuals from out-of-state convicted of certain crimes carry hidden, loaded weapons in New York, in violation...
This man carries a gun because his daughter can't run and hide.

I Carry a Firearm Because My Daughter Can’t Run and Hide [Video]

Reader Steve S. writes: When the national concealed carry talk heated up and all of the rhetoric got hotter I felt there's a group of people who are being woefully ignored: the disabled. As the...

National Concealed Carry Reciprocity is Unconstitutional! Or Not . . .

"The NRA proposal, which will now go before the Senate, would allow people to carry hidden guns in every state with no permit, no training, and no background checks whatsoever," Everytown for Gun Safety...
New York University School of Law Professor James Jacobs

New Yorkers’ Fever Dreams of Concealed Carry Reciprocity: IMI Systems Quote of the Day

“I suppose NYPD would try to require an out-of-state concealed carrier to sign in register with the NYPD so we would have a record of who is legally carrying. That would entail a...