NRA about to score a victory with national reciprocity bill.

Axios: NRA Victory is at Hand!

As a rather breathless Axios report by Alayna Treene begins, "The National Rifle Association is expected to score its first big legislative win of the year this week, when the House votes on a concealed-carry...

NRA-ILA: Reports of National Reciprocity Bill’s Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

The NRA-ILA writes : Most concealed-carry permit holders understand the potential pitfalls of traveling with a firearm, given the outrageous patchwork of state laws involved in even a short interstate trip. And while we haven’t...

If Only Guns Were Regulated Like Cars

Last week I was Milwaukee-bound, heading for the NRA Carry Guard Expo in my BMW, listening to some of J.S. Bach's Two Part Inventions. I was tooling along at a speed that was (ahem)...

National Reciprocity and the NRA: The Battle Begins!

President Trump is due to address the National Rifle Association convention this weekend. There's no doubt that he'll get a standing ovation for, well, lots of things. But especially his support for national concealed...

New York Times’ Francis X. Clines vs. NRA’s Dana Loesch: It’s on!

30 The video above is NRA Commentator Dana Loesch's second video attacking The New York Times, in no uncertain terms. (Click here to watch her opening salvo.) Like most NRA TV videos, Loesch's lashing out at The Gray...

National Reciprocity Gets More Ink, But Passage Is Unlikely…For Now

Yahoo News teased a favorable article on national concealed carry reciprocity that ran at Al-Jazeera US. Gun rights activists have sought national reciprocity for some years now. Under President Obama, a sure veto precluded serious...

Bloomberg’s Anti-National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill Editorial Shoots Itself in the Foot

A friend recently sent me a link to an article at Concealed Carry For All, Like It Or Not. Give the source, I was expecting Mayor Bloomberg's anti-gun rights media lackeys to complain about the...