Inconvenient Truth: National Reciprocity is Constitutional

Yeah, well that's not exactly new. Noah Feldman makes the inconvenient point that no matter what you think about federal preemption and states' rights, nothing about national reciprocity would be unconstitutional . . . Muddy...
The New York Times' view of Concealed Carry Reciprocity (courtesy

The Truth About H.R.38 – The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017

Alan Korwin writes : On Dec. 7 2017 the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R.38 - Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017. The Senate's carry-bill -- S.446 - Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017...
The Constitution applies to all 50 states, even where guns are concerned

News Flash: The Constitution Applies to All 50 States

Here's a novel concept: enumerated civil rights apply equally in every state in the union. Can speech be more stringently regulated in Maryland than it can in Montana? Do police have broader search and...

Dave Kopel: National Reciprocity Is As Constitutional as the Gun Control Act of 1968

Dave Kopel makes the case for the 14th Amendment's support of a national concealed carry reciprocity law . . . Congress should use constitutional power to force states to honor gun rights A few weeks ago,...
CBS (courtesy

CBS 60 Minutes’ Steve Kroft: My National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Report Was Fair and...

In the video below, CBS interviews its own reporter about yesterday's 60 Minutes report on National Concealed Carry Reciprocity. At 2:47, the interviewer asks Steve Kroft interviewer if he thought his report was fair. "Yeah....

Kelli Ward at Yuma Primary Rally for Senate: National Reciprocity and Hearing Protection...

Dr. Kelli Ward had a campaign appearance in Yuma on Saturday night. Yuma is a conservative, military and agriculture town. She's running in the Republican primary for the Senate seat being vacated by the...

The Cause of National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Needs Your Help

By Roger J. Katz The Arbalest Quarrel recently published an article which also appeared here at The Truth About Guns, “Attention All Law Abiding Gun Owners: National Concealed Handgun Reciprocity is in Jeopardy.” And this wasn’t...

As Deadline Nears, Second Amendment Supporters Demand Senate Vote on Concealed Carry Reciprocity

By Roger J. Katz We have two weeks left before the Senate adjourns for the Christmas holiday. If the Senate fails to act on national concealed handgun carry reciprocity within the next two weeks, any chance that this measure will...

Welcome to the 117th Congress: 2A Rights Under Attack

The 117th Congress has started busily filing bills. None of the text is available yet, but the bill titles are informative. This what I've found to date. All of these are in the House....