Glock Sues Zoraki M197 Maker

16 Every popular brand has cheap knock-offs floating around trying to capitalize on someone else's popularity, be it fake Coach bags or imitation Victronox knives. Gun makers too. Glock is trying to deal with one...

AAC Cancels All 10/22-SD Orders

9 I just got word through a friend in the know that AAC is cancelling all of their 10/22-SD orders effective immediately. The stated reason for the cancellation is that AAC is too backlogged with...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Apparently Prophetic Edition

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (so take the information with a grain of salt the size of a grapefruit) this is an album cover for a band in which alleged Sikh Temple...

U.S. Senate Kills Cybersecurity Act (with High Cap Mag Ban Amendment)

News comes to us through Reddit and ZDNet that the Senate has voted against moving forward with the Cybersecurity Act, effectively killing it. For now. The final vote was 52 to 46 in favor...

OMG!OMG! They’re Selling Guns! At a Gun Show! OMG!

Continuing the theme of the Left Coast struggle for gun rights, it seems our friends at KTVU decided to head on over to the Crossroads Gun show at the Cow Palace in Daly City...

Democrats Tack High Cap Magazine Ban onto Cybersecurity Bill

81 We all knew it was coming, and according to The Hill it is already here. Democrats (specifically my former senator Chuck Shumer) have tacked on an amendment to an upcoming cybersecurity bill that would...

Cinemark’s Statement on the Midnight Movie Massacre

We'd been wondering why we hadn't seen a statement from Cinemark after the news of the Aurora shooting broke last week. Turns out they actually did issue one on Friday. It was just so...

TTAG Has Blood on Its Hands, ‘Our NRA’ Responsible for Aurora Massacre

You know the old maxim: all feedback is good feedback. Whether it's positive or not, you can always learn something. Here's artist Sharon Loper's email to TTAG Central Command presented verbatim: "Shame on you,...

Quote of the Day: Midnight Movie Massacre It’s All A Racist Plot Edition

"One last note on whether tragedies like this get politicized or not. How many times have you heard conservatives say that we had to torture people because there might be a situation in which...

New from MasterPiece Arms: MPA57sst-ATACS Defender Semi-Auto

No, I didn't put my coffee cup down on the keyboard. MPA57sst-ATACS really is the name of MasterPiece Arms latest pistol. We'll just call it the Defender if they don't mind. The pistol's chambered...

Las Vegas Casinos Pitch A Fit To Stop Beretta Gun Shop

A big legal fight is brewing involving two pro-gun casinos that both want to prevent a gun store/shooting range from opening up in their high-rent neighborhood on the Las Vegas Strip. What's wrong with...

Adaisha Miller Was On Her Knees When She Was Killed

The Detroit PD's official version of events surrounding the shooting of Adaisha Miller continues to unravel - or become clearer - depending how you look at it. From the beginning, the story fed to...