WaPo: Go Ahead, Bring a Gun to a Knife Fight

You read that right. Courtland Milloy, a Washington Post columnist, is touting the efficacy of allowing concealed carry in the District. This after a man who was walking his dog was attacked and killed...

Savage Arms Announces AR Design

Savage Firearms has announced via their Twitter account (@SavageFirearms) that they are in the process of designing an AR pattern rifle and posted one of four designs they are considering. Savage is obviously trying...

Question of the Day: How Would You Use the Shut Up Gun?

Sure to be up for a future Nobel Peace (and Quiet) Prize, two Japanese researchers, Kazutaka Kurihara and Koji Tsukada, have invented a new kind of gun that jams vocal output - apparently without...

Monday’s IGOTD Judge David Barrett Decides to Retire

We just received word that Monday's unanimous IGOTD award recipient, Judge David Barrett, has decided to retire in the wake of the controversy he created by pulling his gun in open court and pretending...

SAF Condemns UT Law Prof’s Mass Murder Madness

It doesn't take a lot of digging to find university professors who regularly ignore Mark Twain's advice about remaining silent and being thought a fool. A disturbingly large number of them seem all too...

Is Ron Paul Packing?

The other three remaining GOP candidates are either under the Secret Service's watchful eye or have requested their services. According to cbsnews.com, the Santorum campaign says the former Pennsy Senator will have guys with...

Convenient Causation: Mayor Mike on NYC Suicides

On his weekly radio appearance Friday, Mayor Bloomberg attempted to divert the conversation away from a series of tragic shootings in New York by linking his city's low suicide rate to their strict gun...

Remington Announces Model 700 SPS Tactical in 300 Blackout

Is there no limit to Nick Leghorn's influence in the firearms industry? Freedom Group's Remington has just announced that they'll be producing their Model 700 SPS Tactical rifle in Foghorn's fave caliber, 300 Blackout....

Hornaday Ammo Recall: 500 S&W 300 grain FTX Custom Ammo Loaded Too Hot to...

Apparently the fine folks at Hornaday have made a slight calculation error during the loading of some of their 500 S&W handgun ammunition, called by some the most powerful handgun ammunition on the market...

OMG OMG! Missing Guns in Pennsylvania! OMG!

The Brady Campaign is breathlessly (gotta run fast to dodge those falling chunks of sky) reporting that Pennsylvania Leads The Nation In Guns "Missing" From Gun Shops: "Newly released data show that Pennsylvania ranks...

Hunters Shoot SHARK Drone Over South Carolina

Pigeon shoots present a problem for a lot of people. There are plenty of dedicated hunters who have issues with shooting birds for sport with no intent of putting something on the table. They...

DFW TSA Scanning Women Because They’re, Well, Women

And our readers think we're breast obsessed. Frequent flyers will be happy to know that our vigilant, safety-conscious friends manning the TSA "security" checkpoints at DFW have been been particularly thorough lately. At least...