SI: Seven New Guns, .300 AAC Blackout Belle of the Ball
Our friends over at Shooting Illustrated have posted up some new guns that Remington, DPMS and Bushmaster are going to be rolling out in the next year. Predictably these rifles are AR-15 variants, but...
Mossy Takes the Plunge Into The Modern Sporting Rifle Market
Well, at least someone's bought into the NSSF's Modern Sporting Rifle rebranding campaign. Mossberg's just let the world know that, as a follow-on to their Tactical .22 plinker, they've now jumped all the way...
Washington Times Editor: I Want A Gun!
"Washington D.C. is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm." --John F. Kennedy.
Washington Times senior editor Emily Miller once encountered a gang of burglars armed with nothing more than her Blackberry phone, and...
New Gun Maker Heizer Announces DOUBLETAP .45 Pocket Pistol
Heizer Defense has intro'd its first new product, a derringer-like hammerless pocket pistol they call "the world’s smallest and lightest .45 ACP conceal carry pistol on the market today." Heizer's original business is aerospace...
Guns n’ Gas Guzzlers Don’t Mix…If You’re Livin’ Large in the Nanny State
Selling automobiles is not an activity for the faint of heart. Profit margins are thin as the fabric on a Fredricks of Hollywood negligée, clients are few and far between, and keeping the customers, manufacturers, financiers,...
Introduction of Tasers to Police Hasn’t Decreased Use of Firearms in Australia: Duh!
There's a news report this morning in the Sydney Morning Herald that despite Tasers being issued to their police forces the police are still drawing their sidearms at the same rate. While I would...
Annals of Gun Control: David Laffer and Hindsight
Let the recriminations begin! Traditional media column inches would likely be cut at least in half if they were somehow prohibited from printing the results of their uncannily accurate hindsight-enabled analyses. The latest target...
Chiappa: Hidden RFID Chip IDs Gun Owner “Forever”. Or Not.
Would you want any of your guns to contain a 'permanent record' of your updated personal information on a tiny RFID chip concealed in the frame and designed to resist tampering or removal? I didn't...
Want a Free AK? Ditch That PayPal Account
OK, so offering a gun with the purchase of something or other isn’t exactly new any more. It’s usually a car dealer offering an AK or other gun with the purchase of a new...
Philly Police Commissioner’s Testimony on H.R. 822 – National Concealed Carry
Yesterday saw the first congressional hearing on H.R.822, a bill to make concealed carry reciprocity universal in the United States (click here for an overview of what H.R.822 proposes). In that hearing members of...
Business (Corruption) As Usual In Camden, NJ
Camden, New Jersey, one of the true garden spots of the Garden State, is a tough place. The south Jersey town just across the Delaware River from the City of Brotherly Love is known...
Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unnamed Harmony, IN Teen
Alternate title: Teen Killed While Acting Like Jackass With Gun. I'm sorry, was that too clear and explanatory a title for you? Because that's what happened to a 16 year-old from Harmony, Indiana yesterday....