Dutch Scientists Make Bulletproof Human Skin. Sort Of.

Kevlar's so yesterday. Or it will be. The vests are bulky, hot and expensive. So it would be mighty nice to be able to protect a soldier, cop, or a civilian without one. That's...

Glock Rocks the SAF

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) has just revealed that Glock has become their largest corporate contributor. The Austrian pistol producer takes a lot of crap for their, um, utilitarian design sensibilities. To each his...

Don’t Leave Home Without it: Insight Technology HX Series Flashlights

I've worked with, tested, and carried the HX120 (above). The flashlight's strobe function will put James Guthrie into deer in the headlights mode. The max brightness setting is angry enough to leave spots on your vision even at...

Gun-Friendly States Try To Pick Off Gun Makers, Jobs

The New York Times notices that there are an awful lot of firearms manufacturers based in decidedly gun-hostile states. Places like Massachusetts, Connecticut and Illinois. It's a situation that's bemused and befuddled gun rights...

ATF Death Watch 51: Attache? Not So Much

It’s getting harder and harder to keep up pretenses at the ATF. One feint they’d been doggedly clinging to is the story that William Newell, who had been named the rogue agency’s attaché to...

Registran.net Questions New Yorker Article on Bin Laden Raid

One of our crack reporters passed along an interesting bit of intel on the New Yorker's bang-up feature story on the Bin Laden takedown. I read it, and then did some digging myself. And...

ATF Death Watch 49: The Brian Terry Border Patrol Station

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0jTJq_VfS8   A bill has been introduced in the House of Representatives to rename the Bisbee, AZ border patrol station after the late Brian Terry. Terry was murdered by Mexican cartel members in December of 2010...

Quote of the Day: Jennifer Rubin

It’s almost hard to recall how the left howled about “civility” in the wake of the Tucson shooting horror. But that was then, and the standards the left sets for the right is one...

Is Elk Grove Anywhere Near Canton, Ohio?

From the Sacramento Bee: An Elk Grove police officer acted lawfully in January when he fired his AR-15 rifle at a handcuffed suspect, seated in the back of a patrol car, who officers thought...

WBBM TV Shows Chicagoans the Horror of Guns. Sort Of.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu_LK_iEFE8 More good news from the (nearly) gun-free paradise on Lake Michigan. No matter what the courts may say, the city stands united in its opposition to guns. From the Mayor to the city council...

ATF: In-Home inspections are just one of the many services we offer!

You gotta hand it to those overachievers at the ATF(E and sometimes RBFs). Up to their asses in alligators over Fast & Furious, called in to investigate a local law enforcement peccadillo, and yet they...

J&G Sales to Sue BATFE over Long Gun Registry

Ah, J&G Sales. Purveyor of fine used (cheap) weaponry, as well as the "new in box" modern variety. I bought my SIG P226 from them, the first handgun I ever bought. And now it...