Indianapolis Reporter Throws a Tantrum Over New Gun Law

  I love it when Liberals stomp their feet, hold their breath, and general act like two-year-olds. Very entertaining. So when I was reading my morning ePaper this AM, you'll understand why I was chortling...

British Woman Heading to Prison for Saying “Bang Bang”

What has happened to Britain? Sticks and stones can break my bones, but pointing your finger at me and saying 'bang bang' will send you to prison? Roger that. "A woman has admitted saying...

Under the Radar: An Interview with Darrell Issa

In all the spreading scandal that is Project Gunrunner, one of the key players in the investigation is Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA), Chairman of the House Oversight and Governmental Affairs Committee. Issa was interviewed a...

Click Below for Leaked ATF Document: “Project Gunrunner Weapons of Choice”

Click here for the LulzSec leaked document ATF Project Gunrunner Southwest Border Strategy Weapons of Choice. It's a colorful catalogue of firearms the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive (and Really Big Fires) deemed...

Karl Lippard Can Shoot Chuck Norris From Another State

Gunsmith and Marine Karl Lippard has provided more than a few TTAG skeptics with comment fodder aplenty since we first came upon his claim to be producing a 1911 capable of accurate groups at...

GOP Candidates’ Debate: A Gun-Free Zone

I was among literally dozens of Americans who lost two precious hours of their lives last night watching the Republican presidential candidates’ debate. But that’s why we’re here - to serve you, the TTAG...

New York Police Subsidize Gun Control Artist Lin Evola

"It’s symbolic. The idea here is to turn guns into pieces of art." Everyone's a critic, including New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly . I'm happy that Ray likes the work of artist Lin Evola. (As...

Things That Make You Say…Huh?

Sometimes you read a news story and you know damned good and well that it just didn't happen that way. Maybe it's a BS tale told by someone who finds himself knee-deep trouble. Or...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Father’s Day Edition

From A soldier home on leave in Sarasota, Fla. was in a bank Tuesday with his two little boys when he suddenly found himself in the midst of an armed robbery. With the suspect...

Here We Go Again: Arizona Gun Rampages

From the "Just when you thought it was safe to put Arizona out of your mind re: mass murders" file comes this news item, courtesy of Reuters: A man apparently angry over a divorce case...

Oklahoma Pharmacist Jerome Ersland Found Guilty of First Degree Murder in Robbery Attempt Shooting

17 Self-defense is just that: defense. The concept is a non-issue. Enter Jerome Ersland, the Oklahoma City pharmacist who shot Antwun Parker in the head during a botched robbery attempt and, after chasing the second...

Army Refuses to Admit Cause of Ft. Hood Massacre. Still.

When US Army Major Nidal Hassan opened fire last November in the Ft. Hood soldier readiness center filled with military and civilian personnel, he shouted, “Allah Akbar.” He’d been in frequent contact with Anwar...