Using One Thug to Try and Prove The Right, Wrong.

Pictured above: convicted murderer, Shawna Forde. In the press she's referred to as "Arizona Vigillante Shawna Forde." And that's certainly accurate. But the story goes deeper, and so does how it's been covered in...

Swiss Voters Reject Firearms Ban

"Official results from a national referendum on gun control showed that more than half of Switzerland's 26 cantons voted against an initiative which aimed to ban army rifles from households in an attempt to...

Who Is Raymond Davis?

2 Not mentioned: the U.S. Consulate sent a car to pick-up Davis. The speeding driver killed another Pakistana whilst motoring the wrong way up a one-way street. Collateral damage. But for what? The incident has...

People Magazine Weighs in on Schenecker Gun Violence Coverage

Another day, another mother who goes postal and kills her own kids. Tragic? You bet. Newsworthy? Thankfully. Still. But People magazine? I thought they limited their coverage to celebrity deaths/peccadillos/tragedies. Nope. Apparently, the magazine...

Scientific American: Socialism Stops Gun Deaths

It's not very scientific and it sure ain't American. But John Horgan at just up and goes for it in a rant entitledĀ A modest proposal for curbing homicides: Socialism. Well, not at first....

SHOT Show: R. Lee Ermey on Self Defense

8 Our Man Farago is out in Sin City, at the 2011 Shot Show. He caught up with everybody's favorite gunny sergeant/Glock endorser/GEICO shrink R. Lee Ermey at a Glock-sponsored range at the show. Being...

Loughner Nutjob Post o’ the Day: G-String Edition.

I hate to do this. I really do. But as I was perusing this evening, I came across this featured story: "Loughner Reported Posed in Indecent Photos with Glock Pistol," coupled with the...

Think Conceal Carry Didn’t Play a Role in the Giffords Case? Think Again.

A lot has been said about the Giffords case, both here on TTAG and elsewhere. And like most emotionally-charged cases, when all is said and done, more's been said, than done. And while a...

AZ Rep. Giffords, 11 Others Shot at Town Hall Event

While details are trickling in, what we do know is that earlier today, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and ll others were shot by one or more assailants at a town hall-style meeting in the...

Free Barrett .50 Caliber Rifle When You Buy a Viper ACR

Make that a free Barrett sniper rifle "if" you buy a Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR. I would NOT recommend it. It's loud, hot and inherently dangerous. The car that is. The rifle's a big...

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Frees Brian Aitken [Left]

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has commuted the seven-year prison sentence of Brian Aitken, freeing the Garden State native in time for Christmas. Aitken was convicted of various weapons charges relating to a trio...

Did you hear the one about the Anti-Gun Senator shooting an intruder?

Stop me if you've heard this one...a blowhard, anti-gun Senator rags on gun owners, day in and day out. So one night, he's at home, living his Life O'Reily, when an intruder shows up...