Speaking of Home Invasions…
There's a rhythm to the Universe. Seriously. How else to explain that the jury finally returned a verdict in the Trial That Dragged On For 8 Years of Brian Mitchell, the abductor of Elizabeth...
Petit Home Invasion: Another Perspective.
After reading RF's thoughtful piece on the Petit tragedy, I was moved to respond. But as I collected my thoughts, I realized what I had to say would take more space than the comments...
Mexican Children Get Firearms Response Training
And the good news is . . . the drills may save lives. (Eyeore seems to have forgotten that bit.)
Suicide is NOT Painless
Back in the seventies, a hit movie (and later TV show) M*A*S*H had a beautiful theme song, called "Suicide is Painless." That's a lie. Suicide is not painless. Never has been. Never will be....
Remington: CNBC Spread Lies About Remington 700 Discharge
Once again, Remington is attempting to shift the blame to the gun owner---for failing to keep the 700 pointed in a safe direction. Fair enough BUT what has that got to do with the...
ADL to Appleseed Project: We’ve Got Our Eyes On You
Is this a case of the paranoid being paranoid about the paranoid? Both sides deny irrational fear that someone is out to get them. Does that mean the Anti Defamation League is chasing shadows?
Remington Model 700: Perception is Reality, even on TV.
Far be it from me to miss a chance to pummel a dead pony, after TTAG has been all over this story, but having just watched the CNBC hit on Remington, I feel duty-bound...
Remingtongate, Bushmaster ACR Recall Ding Freedom Group
Remington's CNBC model 700 expose isn't bound to please its new owners. Sherman, set the way back machine for 2007. That's when the ultra-super secretive Cerberus Group bought Remington for $118 million, assuming...
Remington Arms Lashes Out at CNBC on the Model 700
What you see above is the Remington Arms corporate response to the CNBC investigation into the Model 700, and the alleged defects and safety problems with the product.
Talk about your "smoking gun." Literally....
TTAG Tasteless Riddle of the Day: Postal Edition
Q: How do you know the Post Office is hiring?
A: The flags are at half-mast.
Okay, while everyone groans and speculates on how tasteless and tacky that riddle is in the face of the news...
The Real Reason the State Department Blocked South Korean Sale of 1m Rifles: They...
Daniel Gallington is a Senior Fellow and Member of the Board of Regents at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies. Writing for The Cypress Times , the national security and intelligence policy consultant claims the...
UT Shooting: Everything’s Bigger in Texas
I'm not sure if the media's grabbed onto this morning's shooting at the University of Texas library because A) it happened in Texas, B) the U of V shooting has everybody spooked, C) UT...