Sarah Get Your Gun: Palin Plans to Pick Up Big Boy

0 Not for nothing The Truth About Guns recently reported that the Arkansas Republican party presented presidential non-candidate Sarah Palin with a Henry Repeating Arms rifle. Dollars to donuts, the gift helped inspire Alaska's ex-Governor...

Six Flags Discovery Kingdom Rifleman: Park Unprepared for Animal Escape

According to their website, Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in California has "a porcupine, an anteaters (sic), macaws and other fascinating creatures." Which includes tigers. And cougars. And elephants. According to the park's former "animal...

Question of the Day: Are Armed Teachers the Answer to Spree Shooters?

The "gun debate" has two sides. On one side, gun control advocates believe that eliminating firearms from society (legal or illegal) makes it safer ("guns don't kill people; people with guns kill people"). On...

Chilean Earthquake Aftermath: Send Lawyers, Guns and Money

CNN reports that the rule of law is breaking down in Chile, as the government struggles to restore basic services after a massive earthquake and the resulting tsunami. "Looting broke out in parts of...

Former IRS Agent Hearts Shotguns

Kentucky's profile Bill Elliott, an IRS agent/tax collector turned tax adviser. Clearly, Elliott knows the value of firepower. In fact it helped start his career. Huh. Elliott talks about the government career he had...

Arizona Daily Sun: Open Carry Means “Arming a bunch of amateur civilians in place...

The internets are abuzz re: this morning's Frank Rich editorial: Axis of the Obsessed and Deranged. The New York Times' liberal extremist builds on a previous Sunday magazine piece painting the Tea Party movement...

How Not To Report a Gun-Related Story: Iowa’s New Domestic Abuse Gun Confiscation Law

According to KIMT reporter Natalie Tendall's official bio, "she loved to play news reporter as a child." Judging from her article Domestic Abuser Gun Bill Reaction, she's still playing at being one now. Tendall...

Have You Noticed That The Media Turns Off Comments for Gun-Related Stories?

Gun owners are a fairly vocal group of people. Well, some of them are. And the ones that are, really are. When The Huffington Post takes a proverbial swing at gun owners' rights (or...

With Gun Metaphors Like These . . .

Sports writers have a lot more leeway than reporters covering any other topic. They're about as likely to provide straight reporting as a gay man is to masturbate to a picture of Marissa Miller....

Oklahoma City Community College Firearms Policy: No Guns. Except Ours.

Last week, Oklahoma City Community College had what the Brits call "a moment" (the UK's term for near accident). An unnamed school administrator mistook a nationwide bulletin from the Oklahoma Fusion Center---warning about the...

NC Congressional Candidate Holds “Machine Gun Social”

0 The unintentionally ironically named shares the mainstream media's belief that the Tea Party movement and gun nuts make for regular bedfellows. And they want you to know it (as in see it their...

Unofficial Israeli Defense Force T-Shirts Show Civilian Targets

3 reports that Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldiers are wearing T-shirts that do little to win the hearts and minds of Palestinians, and much to sour and twist them. To wit: Dead babies, mothers weeping...