Denver Police [Finally] Release Tanner Gun Show Accident Details

0 The Denver Post finally reports that the Denver police have finally released details re: the accident at the Tanner Gun Show on Saturday. "Joshua Hertzler, 24, of Thornton was examining a pistol at...

Has The Open Carry Campaign Found a Champion in Kurt Kirby?

The so-called Open Carry movement---whose adherents openly wear their weapons to assert their right to own and carry guns---is a cause in search of a champion or two. Or three. Or more. You know;...

Charles R. Larson: Tea Party Gun Owners “Retarded”

Now that the National Health Care bill has passed, its supporters are magnanimous in victory. As if. Our friend Charles R. Larson over at Counterpunch isn't pulling his, venting major spleenage at the Tea...

U.S. Has Pissed Away $6 Billion on Afghan National Police

Over the last eight years, the United States has "invested" $6 billion in arming and training the Afghan National Police. To no appreciable effect. ProPublica reports that our government estimates that "fewer than 12...

U.S. Department of Education: 100 Glocks, 52 Shotguns

The Washington Post received the clarification that TTAG sought re: the number and type of Department of Education's arsenal of firearms. And here it is: "The Office of the Inspector General has 100 special...

Texas Starbucks Robbed At Gunpoint

Lost among the hyperbole of Starbucks' policy of allowing local custom/laws to determine their position on conceal carry is the question: "has Starbucks ever been robbed at gunpoint?" To which I can reply without...

University of Florida Students Protest Campus Police Shooting

0 reports that University of Florida (UF) students held a protest over the March 2 shooting of Kofi Adu-Brempong by university police. Campus cops shot the delusional doctoral student in the face with...

Is This Why the African American Community Doesn’t Carry Guns?

0 I've been putting a lot of time and thought into the racial implications of U.S. gun laws. As you may know, American gun control legislation has its roots in the south, as a method...

Open Carry for the UK?

Hell just got a little chillier. Still, the fact that the Christian Science Monitor (CSM) published a piece from the ultra-left wing (just kidding) Adam Smith Institute suggesting that Brits would be better off...

U.S. Army Drops Bayonet Practice

According to the AP , the U.S. Army has dropped bayonet practice from basic training. "Adapting to battlefield experience in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Army is revamping its basic training regimen for the first...

Baltimore Banks $1.1m for Gun Violence Reduction Initiative

Earmarks. You gotta love 'em. Well, the Baltimore police does, 'cause there's $1.1 million headed their way as part of The Baltimore City Gun Violence Reduction Initiative. Which was an earmark on H.R. 2847,...

New York Gun Control Crusader [Not Shown] to Head Security Firm

Frederico Gebauer was New York Mayor Bloomberg's go-to guy for gun control. As First Deputy Criminal Justice Coordinator, Gebauer helped develop the City's Gun Courts. He was also the man behind Mayor Bloomberg's national...