New York City Politicians Attack Guns, Not Crime
For decades, NRA-ILA has pointed out that gun control advocates are disingenuous when it comes to public safety. Anti-gun politicians and the agencies and jurisdictions they control seek to encumber and disarm law-abiding individuals...
Election Analysis: It’s the Guns, Stupid!
Following President Donald Trump’s resounding victory, former Speaker of the House (and possible evil incarnate) Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) whined about gun rights voters to the New York Times.
In an...
Biden’s FBI Reportedly Altering Murder Data to Suit Gun Violence Narrative
In October, Dr. John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) broke the news that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had stealth-revised its reported violent crime data for 2022 to show a...
Biden-Harris Action Seeks to Close Shooting Access on 1.3 Million Acres of Public Land...
On Friday, NRA-ILA and other sportsmen’s groups filed a formal protest against the Biden-Harris administration’s plan to close recreational shooting access to 1.3 million acres in the Bears Ears National Monument in...
Decision 2024: The Choice is Clear, Gun Owners Must Oppose Kamala Harris and Her...
Kamala Harris has made it an easy choice for gun owners on November 5. Harris has a decades-long track record of attacking the Second Amendment and supporting gun bans and gun confiscation.
The 2A Community Can’t Afford To Make Excuses For Cat Killing
If you’ve ever owned a cat, you know that on occasion it won’t use the box. If you’re careless about cleaning it or don’t have a sufficient number of boxes, cats will...
Harris’ Actions on Guns Speak Louder Than Her Campaign Rhetoric
In a lame attempt to run away from her radical anti-gun and anti-Second Amendment record, Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris has spent the last several weeks claiming that she is a gun...
The Donald to Speak at NRA Event
The NRA announced last week that President Donald J. Trump will serve as the special guest keynote speaker at the NRA’s “Defend the 2nd” event in Savannah, GA, on Tuesday, October 22nd.
Harris is a Human Disinformation Campaign When It Comes to Guns
Kamala Harris is the most anti-gun candidate who has ever been as close as she is to becoming president, even if she has been less than forthcoming on her specific views on...
Gun-Rights Groups Join To Battle Lifetime 2A Ban For Nonviolent Offenders
The fact that nonviolent criminals who have paid their debt to society can lose their Second Amendment-protected rights for the rest of their lives has long been a bone of contention for...
NRA Asks Supreme Court To Consider AWB Case
For many gun-rights advocates, the desire to have the U.S. Supreme Court to finally hear a case involving an “assault weapons” ban is at the top of the list. Having the court...
Battle For The Future Of The NRA
It comes as no surprise to anyone that the NRA is under constant fire from the left, as the organization has been at the forefront of protecting gun rights and education since...