Hunting with One Arm

I came across Ron Cowan relaxing in the main exhibitor's hall at the NRAAM. Ron is an older gentleman, soft spoken with an easy manner.  He has but one arm. "I lost it in...

Now Newt Has an Interesting Idea

Speaker Gingrich was spot-on when he said that the Second Amendment protects a God-given right. In support of this, he wants to present the United Nations with a treaty which would recognize the individual...

Gun Tweet of the Day: Complicity Edition

It's good that new(ish) Brady Campaign prez Dan Gross is keeping things elevated. He clearly looks at the NRA's confab in St. Louis and sees a target rich environment. So to speak. The willingness...

Something About a Package Deal?

Unfortunately I honestly can not remember the girls' names, nor what booth they were at. I guess I was distracted . . .

You Choose the Blog

I've had a pretty good run today at the NRA Annual Meeting.  Met some great folks, had some laughs, abused me some fellow bloggers.  Still, I can't help but feel like I should give...

Gabby Franco Doesn’t Like Losing

  I'm a big fan of Top Shot's Gabby Franco. Gabby does NOT like me. And for good reason. A couple of months back, after some pseudo-journalistic flirtation, Gabby agreed to meet me in Miami...

So Glenn Beck Can Shoot. Let’s See What Else he Knows . . .

23 Talk show host Glenn Beck is scheduled to be the keynote speaker at this evening's prodigiously titled...let me make sure I get this right...NRA Celebration of American Values Freedom Experience. He and Larry the...

Knife Confiscation at NRA Annual Meeting

Seeing as the presidential candidates (and their Secret Service friends) are addressing attendees here, when entering the hall where the speakers were speaking yesterday the security detail completely disarmed the entire crowd. We're talking...

So Who Is NEMO And What On *Earth* Made Them Machine An AR Out...

Nick has already rhapsodized about NEMO’s  titanium AR-10 (it is pretty sexy) but I was more interested in, well, what the heck were these people thinking?!? So I buttonholed NEMO VP Clint Walker and...

Ruger Questions from “You Choose the Blog”

I stopped by the Ruger booth to pass along questions about possible new products, such as Officer and Commander versions of their SR1911.  Alas and alack, the answer is simple.  No comment.  Not a...

TTAG Improves Blackhawk SERPA Design

Blackhawk is here, and apparently they've heard about my issues with their holsters. So much so that they tried (rather unsuccessfully) for a good 15 minutes to try and convince me that the SERPA...

74 Years in the NRA

  You meet the most interesting people at the NRA Annual Meeting.  My lovely and gracious wife was hanging out and ran into Wayne Burd, a 95 year old NRA Life Member. He's been a...