Teeing up the NRA

As the city of St. Louis rubs its collective hands together preparing to welcome what one local barkeep calls "red-blooded Americans with good American money," TTAG's gearing up to carpet bomb the NRA Annual...

Question of the Day: What’s the Question of the Day for Mitt Romney?

I don't know about you, but I feel better knowing Mitt Romney's a real gun owner. I think. Well, he says he is. abcnews.go.com quotes the Mittster as claiming he owns a couple of...

Springfield Armory’s Hosting a Duel. (Not THAT kind of duel.)

Every so often, a gun manufacturer comes up with a promotional idea that involves free stuff. (Here at TTAG, we like free stuff.) Unfortunately, we came away from the NRA shindig swag-less, as far...

ArmsDealer.net: Google for Gun Shops

Gun stores tend to have the same advertising scheme as prostitutes: word of mouth and a sign on the street. Even here in Virginia I don't think I've ever seen a T.V. commercial for...

NRA Wrapup: What I DIDN’T See in Pittsburgh.

I guess you could call me a trade show veteran. Been there. Done that. Got the shin splints to prove it. I've been attending or working major trade shows since I was just a...

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: T-Shirt Edition

I'm not a big fan of T-Shirts that draw attention to oneself to begin with. I'm even less enamored of a shirt that screams "SHOOT ME FIRST." So of all the trinkets and trash I saw...

TSA and Logic. Do These Things Go Together?

Travel is kind of a pain in the ass, nowadays. In America (the largest developed nation without reliable, efficient passenger train service) you've got three choices – automobile, bus, and airplane. And for all...

PA Game Commission on their Fees

The PA Game Commission maintains a series of (until now) free public ranges in Pennsylvania, but has recently decided to start charging for their use. People who want to use their ranges now either...

The iMarksman training system

I found this guy tucked away in the farthest corner of the convention center. His product, the iMarksman, is a laser-based training simulator that's developed for the home user. Using a drop-in replacement slide...

Protests – Day 2 of the NRA Meetings

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzqOqsxgGNc This afternoon, CeaseFirePA and the Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network (PINN) made an appearance at the gates of the 2011 NRA National Meetings. ~100 Pennsylvania citizens turned out to voice their displeasure with the NRA,...

NRA Convention: Ollie North on the ATF Gunwalker Scandal

Col. Oliver North ♥ the NRA. Which is cool. And he was here again today, this time plugging his latest book. I took the chance to get 15 seconds of facetime with the Colonel,...

NRA Convention: Is This Pen TSA-Friendly?

I love the concept of "tactical" just about anything (although that flashlight gun has to be an accident waiting to happen). So when manufacturers started making tactical pens, I thought "hey...cool...something I can I...