The Nation’s Longest-Running NRA Youth Camp: Day One

Smiles. Lots of smiles. I saw no end of smiles as I snapped some pics Friday at the nation's longest-running NRA Youth Shooting Camp. Under sunny skies, about 120 young people aged 9-16 participated...

NRA to Gun Owners: Be Patient!

By Chris Cox, Executive Director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, republished from It’s an encouraging sign of progress that when it comes to the issue of firearms in America, the pro-freedom viewpoint...

NRA Commentator Dom Raso: We Don’t Encourage Violence

In the video below, NRA commentator Dom Raso takes The Daily Beast to task for creating and publishing the incendiary image above. (The Beast placed it over a piece by three Marines entitled The...

Top Five Guns of the National Sporting Arms Museum

The NRA National Sporting Arms Museum is nestled in the Bass Pro Shops flagship store in Springfield, MO. After ascending a staircase flanked by railings made of muskets, visitors enter a beautiful space filled...

Top Five Guns of the National Firearms Museum

There are approximately 3,000 firearms on display at the NRA National Firearms Museum in Fairfax, Virginia. If you spent every minute of the 7.5 hours a day that the museum is open and tried...

NRA Deletes Dana Loesch’s Tweet on Anthony Scaramucci, Anthony Scaramucci Deletes His Gun Control...

"Here’s something you may not know about President Donald Trump’s new communications director, Anthony Scaramucci," reports to readers who don't surf TTAG. "He’s an ardent supporter of gun control." Proof? Scaramucci, a businessman and...

Misplaced Blame: The Phillips Family Blames the Law, NRA for Their Financial Problems, When...

Reader Jeff S. writes: As most TTAG readers are aware, some family members of victims killed in the 2012 Aurora, Colorado movie theater mass-murder sued several gun and ammunition sellers, including Lucky Gunner, LLC. The...

NRA’s Silence on Immigration Issues Put Gun Rights In Jeopardy

David Codrea writes : “GOP faces growing demographic nightmare in West,” The Hill’s National Correspondent Reid Wilson reported Monday. “Demographic change is slowly, but inevitably, moving Western states to the left.” Inevitably. “And it could also...

100k+ U.S. Army Surplus 1911’s On Their Way Home! Maybe . . .

The NRA-ILA writes: On Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2810, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2018. Included in the bill is a provision that would make U.S. Army...

NRA Doubles Down on Dana Loesch’s Attack on “The Resistance”

The NRA's PR team aren't known for speed, surprise or violence of action. When it comes to reacting to current events, they tend to let the mystery be. This new video is the exception...

The Trace: Pro-Police NRA Ad is ‘Divisive’

"The NRA released a divisive new video timed to the one-year anniversary of the Dallas police shootings," The Trace's email blasts announces. "The minute-long spot, entitled 'My Brother,' is narrated by a sister...

Black Lives Matter Video: “We Are Freedom’s Future Place”

"The National Rifle Association of America must stop airing its controversial ads that blast the Black Lives Matter movement and call for violence in response to their resistance, activists from a BLM chapter in...