The NRA: The Left’s Latest Bogeyman?

The left's descent into full-on derangement continues unabated with each passing day the Trump administration remains un-impeached. So when Dana Loesch so effectively pointed out the behavior of violent bullies on the left, vowing...

Philando Castile and the NRA: It Isn’t Black and White

There have been a lot of stories lately regarding the NRA’s notable silence on the police shooting and verdict in the shooting of Philando Castile, a permit-to-carry holding driver who informed Officer Jeronimo Yanez,...

NRA Changes Carry Guard Training Policy, Allows 1911’s and Revolvers

We reported a couple of days ago that for the training classes being offered by the NRA in conjunction with their new Carry Guard insurance program, they had decided to prohibit students using 1911's...

Is The NRA Right to Teach Defensive Shooters to Retreat Before Engaging? CapArms Question...

In our post NRA: No 1911s or Revolvers in Carry Guard Training Classes, TTAG writer and Florida detective Luis Valdez revealed a new NRA training acronym: A.D.R.E. It stands for Avoid. De-escalate. Retreat. Engage. Well now...

Quote of the Day – Inner City Violence as a Gun Control Recruitment Tool?

"As for inner-city violence: If guns are the reason for the violence in the inner city, shouldn't the guns in American suburbs be the reason for their violence? Problem is, they don't have the...

At the NRA National Air Gun Championships

The National Rifle Association held their annual National Air Gun Championship this year in Bloomington, Illinois. For two days, the best of the best of America's air gun shooters came to Central Illinois Precision...

Nancy Pelosi: Wayne LaPierre Was Right!

21 House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi took to the House floor following the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise and four others during a GOP team baseball practice this morning. During her remarks she made a...

Jeff Knox’s Letter to the NRA Re: Rules Changes

Submitted by Jeffrey A. Knox,, Endowment Member, Buckeye, Arizona, NRA Member Number: 03XXXXXXXXX Whereas the National Rifle Association of America is a membership organization, created by and for the benefit of the members, and incorporated...

NRA Pulls Colion Noir Video Claiming Kim Kardashian Should be a Prohibited Person

NRA commentator Colion Noir was none-too-happy when reality TV star Kim Kardashian "celebrated" National Gun Violence Awareness Day with an open letter advocating gun control. So he fired up the NRA cameras and let...

Quote of the Day: What Common-Sense Gun Owners Feel

“You have to show me you’re proficient if I’m going to let you carry those weapons. ... I believe most educated common-sense gun owners feel the same way, too. There’s a lot of us out...

Springfield Armory Teams-Up With the NRA To Defeat IL FFL Licence Bill

That's the top half of an email blast from the Springfield Armory railing against Illinois Senate Bill 1657, which only passed with the help of the gunmaker's own highly-paid lobbyist. In their second mea culpa, Springfield...

Washington Post: NRA SAF Russian Visits Tied to Trump Softening on Russia

"Top officials from the National Rifle Association, whose annual meeting Friday featured an address by Trump for the third time in three years, traveled to Moscow to visit a Russian gun manufacturer and...