Question of the Day: NRA New York Times Attack Ad Says Nothing About Guns....

117 Donald Trump promised to get rid of "gun-free zones" on day one of his presidency. Yes, well, ditching Bush the Elder's Gun Free School Zones Act requires an act of Congress. So we'll give him a...

CPAC: Talk About Courts, Not Much on #2A Legislative Agenda

29 NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox introduced Vice President Mike Pence at CPAC yesterday and presented the former Hoosier State Governor with the Charlton Heston Courage Under Fire award for the "strength of character" he...

NRA Declares #CounterResistance to Defend Trump Administration

National Rifle Association Vice President Wayne LaPierre is gearing up to launch a major counterattack on the so-called anti-Trump "resistance" in a speech before the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland this Friday....

Dana Loesch to Dems: Embrace the Gun Vote or Keep Losing Elections

45 Fiery conservative Dana Loesch gave a speech to the Conservative Political Action Convention today, in which she warned Democrats that unless they embraced the legions of blue collar gun owners in "flyover country" they...

Course Review: Rick’s Firearm Academy Michigan CPL Class

The rain was coming down in buckets that Saturday afternoon. A good thing, given that all of southeast Michigan was in a drought at the time. Still, it curtailed most respectable outdoor activities. Luckily, I...

Weingarten: NRA Ballot Amendment Will Diminish Members’ Power

I've been pleased with the direction the NRA has taken in the last decade. As an organization, they're more protective of our rights than they were in the 1980's and 1990's. Before 1976, the...

Question of the Day: NRA Veep LaPierre Earned $5m+ in 2015. You OK With...

232 As my father taught me, something is worth exactly what someone's willing to pay for it. So there's no question that NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre was worth $5,110,985 in 2015. For those who wish to...

Constitutional Carry Bill in Kentucky Pulled from Consideration

SB 7 is the Constitutional/Permitless carry bill in the Kentucky legislature for 2017.  It was moved to the Senate Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection committee.  The NRA-ILA is reporting that the bill has...

NRA is Anti-Immigrant, Like Trump (Says ‘The Trace’)

Since they began publication, Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun agitators at The Trace have disguised themselves as a source of unbiased information on gun laws and "gun violence." The hidden agenda has served them well, allowing...

Todd Rathner: Why I’m Running for Reelection to the NRA Board

My name is Todd Rathner and I am again running for reelection to the NRA Board of Directors where I have proudly served for the past 17 years. I have been fighting for our...

Colion Noir: Silence the Silencers Trying to Silence Silencers! Or Something Like That

52 In case you didn't know it, Colion Noir's latest video proves once and for all this ain't your grandfather's NRA. I'm not talking about Mr. Noir's skin color -- although yes, that's a thing....

NRA Influence: Winning? Just Thought I’d Leave This Here

Our good friends at cobbled together this graphic -- and the one below -- to illustrate the nefarious influence of the NRA, and urge gun control advocates to take the fight to the...