NRA Museums: How to Care for Your Collectible Firearm

Looking back at 30 years with the National Rifle Association and being responsible for a collection of thousands of historic firearms can give one a different perspective when it comes to taking care of...

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: NRA-ILA: Social Security Gun Grab Is Go!

The NRA-ILA writes : On Monday, Barack Obama’s Social Security Administration (SSA) issued the final version of a rule that will doom tens of thousands of law-abiding (and vulnerable) disability insurance and Supplemental Security Income...

Antis Protest FedEx Discount to NRA Members

Wait. FedEx has a discount for NRA members? Who knew? A call to FedEx's 800 number connected me to an agent who'd never heard of such a thing. From there I went over to...

“The Real NRA”?

96 The NRA blog offers readers an NRA myth vs. truth post tackling the slings and arrows of outrageous mischaracterization. For a start they fisk the idea that “the NRA is nothing but old white men smoking...

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: LA Times Pronounces T.O.D. on the N.R.A.

"It was not long ago that the gun lobby enjoyed support from both sides of the political aisle. No more. Now the NRA is a fixture of the right — and increasingly, the right...

Illinois Moves A Step Closer to Suppressors For All

It was only a few years ago that the Illinois General Assembly legalized the use of suppressors for state and local law enforcement. Yesterday, the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action took the...

New York Times: Trump Should Embrace Smart Guns

"President-elect Donald Trump, the candidate of the N.R.A., might be expected to snuff out smart guns," the New York Times Editorial Board opines. "But if he instead took on the challenge of selling the...

What Price to Strengthen the Second Amendment?

I asked myself a lot of tough questions this election year. What will I go to the mat for? What do I want the country to look like in 20 years? Who am I willing...

Question of the Day: Did Gun Rights Voters Swing the Presidential Election?

103 In this congratulatory video NRA Veep Wayne LaPierre credits NRA members for swinging the presidential election for Donald Trump. The mainstream media has all but completely ignored the idea that the gun vote torpedoed...

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: NRA Fisks Slanted PolitiFact Campaign Ad ‘Fact-Check’

We've hardly been alone in noting that so-called fact-checking organizations the media loves to cite are usually just thinly veiled political operations with an axe to grind. PolitiFact is a prime example of the...

New York Magazine: NRA Ad Targets “Extremely Gullible Millennials”

76 I'm blogging from Bergstrom airport, deep in the heart in Texas. I'm about to fly to a city where "intellectuals" feel free to deride and denigrate the story of a woman's armed self-defense against a...

New NRA Ad Makes Push for Women and Millennials

POLITICO reports that the NRA has launched a $6.5 million ad buy to support Donald Trump's campaign, and its centerpiece ad features a 26-year old woman named Kristi McMains, whose defensive gun use against...