NRA Rails Against “the Elite” – Still No Mention of Gun Rights

36 The NRA recently ran an ad in "battleground states" entitled "Stop Clinton, Vote Trump." The video features a security contractor named Mark Geist lambasting Hillary Clinton for failing his comrades before, during and after the Benghazi attack....

NRA: Vote Against Hillary. That Is All.

74 The NRA's not wrong here. Trying to sell NRA members and sympathetic others on the joys of Donald Trump is like trying to sell a Texan a GLOCK 43 for harvesting wild pigs. The best the NRA can do:...

The Advocate: “Pink Pistols’ Call to Arms is ‘Misguided, Misinformed, and Utterly Irresponsible'”

The Advocate is the news organization of record for the LGBT community. Reflecting longstanding reader support for civilian disarmament, Erin Fitzgerald minces no words in her editorial lambasting the pro-gun group known as...

Gun Rights Groups to NRA-ILA: Don’t Support “Gun Free Zones” and “No Fly, No...

Open letter by the undersigned In the wake of the Islamic terrorist attack in Orlando,Florida, NRA-ILA leadership has offered support for legislation in Congress supporting secret government “no-guns” lists, with no provisions for due...

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Are You Avoiding Malls and Other ‘Gun Free...

103 Dom Raso's latest video doesn't mince words, pull its punches or otherwise shy away from the truth about terrorism. The ex-SEAL and NRA Commentator tells viewers there's a terrorist out there, somewhere, right now, plotting to "kill you and...

The NRA Strikes Back, Downs 38,000 Sites in ‘Yes Men’ Parody Counterpunch

53 You may have seen our report on the Yes Men's spoof of a nonexistent NRA/Smith & Wesson program here. Motherboard now reports that "38,000 websites hosted by the automated publishing service Surge went down today, after the...

NRA & Smith & Wesson “Share the Safety” Or Not.

49 The above video is a spoof by agitprop media pranksters the Yes Men. The funny thing is: it's not funny. It's the truth. American minorities are denied their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected rights, thanks to both gun...

BREAKING: NRA Slams Donald Trump for Promoting Drinking and Carrying in Nightclubs

77 "Appearing on ABC’s This Week, the NRA’s top lobbyist slapped down presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump for saying club goers should carry guns to prevent another tragedy like the one that took 49 lives...

BREAKING: New Ad Counters Newsom’s CA Anti-Gun Ballot Initiative

25 "Gavin Newsom's dangerous ballot measure threatens to criminalize law-abiding Californians without taking one weapon out of the hands of criminals and terrorists," the caption under this just released Coalition for Civil Liberties' YouTube video asserts....

UPDATE: Illinois Silencer Bill Fails to Clear Senate

TTAG's correspondent from the Land of Lincoln regrets to report that "The Senate adjourned last night without voting on SB206, which is the suppressor bill that passed the House. Regular session is now over for...

Hillary Clinton Slams AK Open Carry (a.k.a., “Chipotle Ninjas”)

57 In the video above, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton tells a bunch of financially forthcoming anti-firearms freedom folks that the Supreme Court is "wrong on the Second Amendment." Mrs. Clinton is saying -- force record --...

BREAKING: NRA Officially Endorses Donald Trump for President

Moments ago Chris Cox announced that the NRA has officially endorsed Donald Trump for president of the United States. In his speech following the announcement, Trump stated flatly that "I will not let you...