NRA Dumps Dems

"For most of the last three decades, the NRA supported both Republicans and Democrats making bids for seats in federal elections, provided that the candidate paid proper fealty to its positions on gun rights,"...

H&K to Finally Import a Civilian Version of the MP5K (SP5K)

Heckler & Koch haven't always been the most responsive when it comes to servicing the demands of the American civilian firearms market. Just like Colt and FN, the folks at H&K had been relying...

California: Hearing on “The Safety for All Act of 2016” Ballot Initiative Scheduled for...

(The following is reprinted from with permission.) The Assembly and Senate Public Safety Committee is scheduled to hold an informational hearing tomorrow, Tuesday May 3, at 9:30am in hearing room 4203, on Lt. Governor...

NRA Response To Obama “Smart Gun” Push, Soc. Sec. Reporting

The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) issued the following statement on President Obama’s latest gun control push: President Obama’s obsession with gun control knows no boundaries,” said Jennifer Baker, director of NRA-ILA...

NRA-ILA: Supreme Court Stun Gun Ruling a Damp Squib

NRA-ILA Press release On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court caught both friends and foes of the Second Amendment off guard with a summary opinion in the case of Caetano v. Massachusetts, ordering the state’s highest...

The Entertainment Industries Council: Hollywood’s Anti-Gun Star Chamber

The NRA-ILA writes: Does it ever seem like the entertainment industry needlessly interjects biased and politically-charged content into otherwise entertaining television programs or films? If so, rest assured you’re not unreasonably suspicious. Aside from the biases already...

Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords Building Anti-Gun Empire, ARS Takes Over Law Center to...

Michael Bloomberg and his billions get most of the attention in the anti-gun universe, but don't go to sleep on Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly. The peripatetic duo just announced that they're merging their...

Flawed Study from the Prestigious Lancet Exposes Broader Problems in Anti-Gun Research

(This post originally appeared at NRA-ILA and is reprinted here with permission) The anti-gun press couldn’t contain their excitement. A new study published in the UK’s prestigious The Lancet medical journal purported to show that...

The NRA Plays the Hurricane Katrina Confiscation Card

44 CBS' Sunday Morning wanted Wayne LaPierre's scalp interview for their program dedicated to "America and guns." Instead, the nation's oldest civil rights organization sent in Sandy Froman. The NRA board member and past president did a reasonable job defending Americans'...

NRA Condemns New Jersey’s Misleading Domestic Violence Bill

Fairfax, VA   Domestic violence is shameful and those who commit violent acts against domestic partners should be harshly punished. On that point, there is firm conviction and agreement. That is why it is all...

Not-So-Obscure Object of Desire: The Plains Rifle

24 The NRA Museum's YouTube Channel isn't exactly popular. When I caught up with it, the Gun Gurus' Plains Rifle video above had garnered just 527 views. I'm sad that there's such a limited audience for such a...

NRA Chris Cox: America is With Us, Not Hillary

Washington, DC – -( You may recall that during a presidential debate in October, Hillary Clinton named the NRA as among her favorite enemies. Unable to leave well enough alone, she went on to declare, “It’s time the...