Did A Protester Steal Firearms from NRA Exhibit at Civil War Museum?

https://youtu.be/RharUzCFjPQ Interesting idea for an exhibit: Guns & Lace, Firearms and Fashion in the Civil War. I'd prefer Guns 'N Grits, Shooting and Eating During the Civil War but that's me (still on my paleo diet)....

My Favorite NRA “I Am America’s Safest Place” Video

https://youtu.be/WZ4ScTbrl84 I saw this video for the first time on CNN during the one-before-last Republican debate. It was posted on YouTube back in January but garnered only 12k views. I thought it well worth resurrection...

Codrea: Vote “Yes” on the Recall of Grover Norquist from NRA Board

By David Codrea “For the first time in my 16 years on the NRA board there will be a recall on the NRA ballot,” NRA Director Todd Rathner notes. “I urge you to VOTE NO...

Campaign to Keep Grover ‘Taxpayer Protection Pledge’ Norquist on NRA Board

Submitted by TTAG reader Todd Rathner Dear Friends, Many of you ask me who to vote for in the NRA board elections. I usually tell you to support the incumbents and this year I will tell...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Ted Nugent’s Anti-Semitic Facebook Post Edition UPDATED: Ted Nugent...

Motor City Mad Man and NRA Board Member Ted Nugent didn't create the "So who is really behind gun control?" photo meme above. But he did re-post it on his Facebook page and added...

Due Process for Accused Domestic Abusers With Guns? Nope.

"More than a dozen states have strengthened laws over the past two years to keep firearms out of the hands of domestic abusers, a rare area of consensus in the nation's highly polarized debate...

Deadline for Fast & Furious Docs Passes. Where’s the Info?

"On Jan. 19, federal Judge Amy Berman—an Obama appointee—ordered the administration to produce the documents demanded," the NRA's americas1stfreedom.org reminds us. "The deadline Berman set for the administration to comply was this past Tuesday,...

Feds Stop Processing NICS Denial Appeals

From nra-ila.org As much as the Brady Campaign, Bloomberg’s Everytown, and the Obama administration contend that submitting oneself to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) is a fast and simple process that...

NRA Veep Challenges President Obama Debate Gun Control. As If.

https://youtu.be/yClzzvWUoG4 NRA Veep Wayne LaPierre is mad as hell and he's not going to get a debate with President Obama. The chances that someone, anyone will confront the CIC on his lies, distortions and mischaracterizations about his...

White House: “We’ve Done All We Could On Gun Control. We Might Do More.”

https://youtu.be/JIAd5XF2OvU At the Friday press briefing, a reporter asked White House press secretary Josh Earnest whether President Obama is finished degrading and destroying Americans' natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms via executive action...

BREAKING: NRA to CNN: Take Your Obama “Guns in America” Town Hall And Shove...

"The nation's largest gun rights organization declined Wednesday to send official representatives to a nationally televised town hall with President Barack Obama on gun violence -- just days after the president reignited a discussion over this...

NRA: “The Truth About Background Checks.” Uh . . .

https://youtu.be/JLTMkg1RLW0 The NRA thinks the FBI's background check system sucks. "The system is only as good as the records that are in it," NRA Veep Wayne LaPierre asserts, before listing the mass shooters who passed NICS....