NRA’s Chris Cox Punches Back at Obama’s Anti-Gun Opportunism

You have to give it to USA Today. In their editorial stance, the McPaper may be just one more predictably anti-gun mainstream media rag, but at least they devote some column inches to prominent voices...

President Obama Signs NRA-Backed Measures into Law

As we noted earlier, the market for used 1911s is about to get an infusion of 200,000 new (used) guns. The bill that authorized that will also let military base commanders to allow service members...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Bill Maher Calls the NRA Terrorists Edition

Comedian/pundit Bill Maher posted this image on his Facebook page for one reason: he's an idiot. Anyone who thinks that the NRA supports terrorists - either intentionally or as an unintentional byproduct of its...

Incendiary Image of the Day: The NRA is a Terrorist Organization Edition

The Daily News is no friend to gun rights. So it's no surprise that the fact that Congress itself has slammed the so-called FBI's terrorist watch list as an inefficient, unaccountable system - one that denies Americans...

Donald Trump: No Guns for Americans on the Terrorist Watch List

66 Donald Trump doesn't read TTAG. If the aspiring Commander-in-Chief read our post Here’s Why People on the “No Fly List” Should Be Able to Buy Guns, for example, he could've defended firearms freedom against the latest "common...

Quote of the Day: Reasoned, Respectful Discourse from the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence...

"Four decades of National Rifle Association fearmongering has turned the average Americans into bloodthirsty zombies ready to take human life at a moment's notice, for no good reason at all." - Coalition to Stop...

The NRA Celebrates Big Wins in Virginia

As you might expect, the NRA is pretty pleased with last night's electoral results in their home state of Virginia. They've just issued a press release taking a little victory dance. Can you blame...

NRA Veep Wayne LaPierre: Collective Guilt Isn’t a Thing

By Wayne LaPierre NRA Executive Vice President In the midst of demands for gun bans after the live-broadcast murders of a young Virginia television reporter and her cameraman by a deranged, fired coworker, a good friend...

NRA Responds to President Obama’s Remarks in Chicago Today [VIDEO]

91 The NRA isn't letting any grass grow under its feet when it comes to countering the Obama administration's stepped-up anti-gun rhetoric these days. Good to see. Here are a few helpful statistics they've provided...

Noir Takes a Newbie Shooting [VIDEO]

24 Gun guru and firearms fashionista Colion Noir shares the commonly held belief that hands-on experience with firearms is the key to "converting" anti-gun rights voters to a pro-gun rights position. And proves it above. Well, not entirely....

Chicago Police Supt Garry McCarthy Doesn’t Blame Guns for ‘Gun Violence’ – Much [VIDEO]

27 In the video above, Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy tells the interviewer that he and some of his big city LEO BFFs put their heads together and came up with two reasons for the recent uptick...

NRA Supports Removing Suppressor Restrictions – For the Children!

Well not exactly. The bill the NRA-ILA is supporting is wonderfully titled the Hearing Protection Act. As written, it would extricate suppressors from regulation under the National Firearms Act of 1934. In other words,...