Adam Winkler: The NRA is Doomed!

UCLA's Professor Adam Winkler is an avid promoter of more infringements on the Second Amendment, though he would probably take issue with that phrasing. He would likely call it "more commonsense gun safety regulation."...

Hillary Clinton: Gun Confiscation ‘Worth Looking At’

93 As we've pointed out, this isn't your typical election cycle for the Democrats. This time around, there's not even the thin veneer of lies about their intentions vis-à-vis civilian firearms ownership. Nope, this year,...

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence on Debate Proposal to Discuss “Gun Safety” with...

Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun JournoList is alive and well. This we know thanks to Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Echoing his fellow anti-gunners' use of the "t" word, Gross responded to...

Why Democratic Presidential Candidates Are Grabbing the ‘Third Rail’ of Gun Control

In the last presidential cycle, Democrat candidates hid their anti-gun animus behind weasel words; Barack Obama's slam against voters who "cling to their guns and bibles" was considered a major faux pas. Last night's Democrat debate represented a...

Lockerdome Poll: GOA Beats NRA

As of this writing, 2,822 TTAG readers voted in our unscientific Lockerdome poll pitting the National Rifle Association against the Gun Owners of America for most favored status. The GOA beat the NRA by 54...

Another Journo Labels the NRA A Terrorist Organization

When prowling the web for gun stories or clicking on links from TTAG tipsters, I don't always know the physical location of a relevant website. The East Valley Tribune could hail from a hundred places. When...

“Navy SEAL” Cited in Anti-NRA, Anti-Concealed Carry Stories Guilty of Stolen Valor

We recently highlighted two stories claiming that concealed carry is a dangerous delusion:'s Tactical Experts Destroy the NRA’s Heroic Gunslinger Fantasy and's Combat veterans shoot down NRA ‘fantasy world’ of ‘good guys with guns’. Both...

Gun Control Advocates Deny Armed Self-Defense, Go To War With the NRA

40 “I can’t believe that if that classroom in Oregon had had concealed weapons holders in there that it would have necessarily saved anyone.” That's UT music professor Martha Hilley speaking at a forum of Texas...

Salon on NRA Veep Wayne LaPierre: “People Die Because of this Man”

First New York Daily News columnist Linda Stasi demanded that the U.S. State Department list the National Rifle Association as a terrorist organization. Now Salon continues the bloody-minded assault by targeting Wayne LaPierre, calling the NRA veep a murderer. "Although...

NRA: You Can Only Depend On Yourself. Farago: Except When You Can’t

The bio underneath the video above tells us that "Del Wilber is a former Intelligence Officer with the Central Intelligence Agency in Security and Counterterrorism. He served as an advisor for counterterrorism and counter-IED...

Question of the Day: Should the NRA Be Talking About EMPs?

105 ELP I could understand. I reckon NASA should have sent Emerson, Lake and Palmer's Karn Evil 9 to the aliens via Voyager. OK, the British rock trio isn't an appropriate topic for NRA PR. But neither are...

Question of the Day: How Great Was the Greatest Generation? [VIDEO]

133 In the video above, NRA "New Commentator" Dom Raso asks “Do We Deserve the WWII Generation's Sacrifice?” It's the flag-waving pro-freedom rant you'd expect from Mr. Raso, a former Navy SEAL. And then some....