Shoot Down the NRA! Or Not.

"There is a interesting idea floating around these days about how to kill the National Rifle Association," playwright, director, actor, educator and left-leaning theater founder Robert Brustein  writes at "Join it!!!! For only...

NRA’s New Ad Campaign Hits Hard, Sparks Gun Grabber Protests [VIDEO]

84 By Steven Crowder via There’s epic. And then there’s epic. The NRA just released an ad (part of a new campaign) featuring our good friend Dana Loesch, and it’s as epic as epic gets. Check out the...

Antis Would Rather Foster Children Be Neglected or Killed than Live in Home with...

“Gun-owning foster parents to fight DFS removal of kids,” KSNV News3LV, Las Vegas, reported. Awakened by the screaming of angry neighbors on their property, Kristi Beber called the police as her husband Rod retrieved...

NRA-ILA Takes the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence to the Woodshed Over SWATting Advice

"Now the National Rifle Association is coming after us," the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) Facebook posting proclaims. And about time, too. You can read the NRA-ILA's editorial on the CSGV's advice to SWAT open carriers...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Arm the Campaign to Stop Gun Violence! Edition

According to Chad R. MacDonald , the NRA's desire to protect Americans' natural, civil and Constitutional right to keep and bear arms in order to defend against government tyranny - exactly as the Founding Fathers envisioned - undermines...

NRA to Supreme Court: Overturn Highland Park “Assault Weapons” Ban

The NRA-ILA writes: On Friday, August 28, 2015, the National Rifle Association filed an important amicus briefwith the United States Supreme Court in the case of Friedman v. City of Highland Park(No. 15-133).  The case challenges the...

NRA-ILA: Remember Katrina Gun Confiscation [VIDEO]

62 Fairfax, VA - August 29th marks the 10-year anniversary of when Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, La. The memory of the devastation wrought by the storm and the resulting chaos is a human tragedy of such a...

Harvey Weinstein Breaks ‘No Violence’ Pledge as Anti-Gun Meryl Streep Project Languishes

The first trailer for “The Hateful Eight,” Quentin Tarantino’s newest shoot-‘em-up, was released earlier this month to generate buzz for an end-of-year release. Famous for taking graphic onscreen violence and gore to the extreme, the...

Question of the Day: Did Obama Come for Your Guns? [VIDEO]

President Obama didn't come for your guns. Yes, the President favors "gun responsibility" (or whatever they call it today) and lobbied for "common sense gun laws" both before but especially after the slaughter at Sandy...

NRA Conducts Concealed Carry Training for IN Nat’l Guard

In a move to help Indiana National Guard members protect themselves against what the Obama Administration once referred to as "workplace violence" (and what the rest of the world refers to as Islamic terrorism),...

The NRA is Doomed. Unless . . .

"Demographer William Frey, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program , recently analyzed the changes in the youth population across the 50 states from 2000 to 2014," reports . "Frey's...

NRA: Why Three-Day NICS Deadline Protects Gun Rights

Two months after the Charleston church shooting, the National Rifle Association has finally got 'round to telling the general public why a three-day deadline for a NICS background check protects Americans' gun rights. But not...