NRA-ILA: Remember Katrina Gun Confiscation [VIDEO]

62 Fairfax, VA - August 29th marks the 10-year anniversary of when Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, La. The memory of the devastation wrought by the storm and the resulting chaos is a human tragedy of such a...

Harvey Weinstein Breaks ‘No Violence’ Pledge as Anti-Gun Meryl Streep Project Languishes

The first trailer for “The Hateful Eight,” Quentin Tarantino’s newest shoot-‘em-up, was released earlier this month to generate buzz for an end-of-year release. Famous for taking graphic onscreen violence and gore to the extreme, the...

Question of the Day: Did Obama Come for Your Guns? [VIDEO]

President Obama didn't come for your guns. Yes, the President favors "gun responsibility" (or whatever they call it today) and lobbied for "common sense gun laws" both before but especially after the slaughter at Sandy...

NRA Conducts Concealed Carry Training for IN Nat’l Guard

In a move to help Indiana National Guard members protect themselves against what the Obama Administration once referred to as "workplace violence" (and what the rest of the world refers to as Islamic terrorism),...

The NRA is Doomed. Unless . . .

"Demographer William Frey, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program , recently analyzed the changes in the youth population across the 50 states from 2000 to 2014," reports . "Frey's...

NRA: Why Three-Day NICS Deadline Protects Gun Rights

Two months after the Charleston church shooting, the National Rifle Association has finally got 'round to telling the general public why a three-day deadline for a NICS background check protects Americans' gun rights. But not...

Question of the Day: Can the NRA Do Anything to Appeal to Democrats?

"A new Pew poll finds that support for the NRA has rapidly consolidated along party lines in recent years,"'s latest email blast claims, "tilting each side of the gun safety debate to a more extreme point of view. Just 13...

Random Thoughts On Campus Carry for Women and Alcoholism

My second wife was a beautiful woman. When we walked through a restaurant, you could hear men groan as their wives or girlfriends kicked them under the table. Over the years, alcoholism claimed her looks. If...

Cornyn’s NRA-Backed Mental Health Bill Needs to Address Key Questions

“A+”-rated* Sen. John Cornyn has the National Rifle Association’s backing for a “modest” bill “that would reward states for sending more information about residents with serious mental problems to the federal background check system...

NRA Debunks Bogus Universal Background Check Justification

Right up there with the laughable and oft-refuted claim that "90% of Americans support universal background checks" is the equally laughable "statistic" that 40% of gun sales happen without a NICS check. It's trotted...

NRA Statement on Military Carry

Chris Cox, Executive Director of NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, released the following statement regarding the ban on troops carrying firearms on military installations: “It’s outrageous that members of our Armed Services have lost their...

Question of the Day: Is The NRA Crying Wolf?

Last week the NRA aimed its sights (metaphorically speaking, of course) at Australia's gun laws. More specifically, the post-Port Arthur massacre legislation that included a national gun buyback confiscation which effectively disarmed most of Oz's law-abiding...