Rev. Creech to the NRA: Uphold NC Sunday Hunting Ban

Dear National Rifle Association, I want to begin this correspondence by saying that I believe very much in what you've stood for over the years. Your organization has worked tirelessly to defend our nation's Second...

NRA Demos Suppressors, Dispels Myths for Illinois Media

By Ripcord Some here at TTAG can be quick to voice our criticism of the NRA. When we think they are slow to react or we think their message is off. But we should also...

Re-Loaders Alert! Maryland Ditches Mandatory Shell Casing Law

A gun control law repealed? In Maryland? True story. Here's NRA-ILA alert (because the world needs more lerts): Your NRA-ILA is glad to report that Governor Larry Hogan (R) has signed into law Senate Bill 736....

Is the NRA on the Wrong Side of the Second Amendment?

The National Rifle Association's public and ongoing acceptance of The Brady Bill's provisions - specifically the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) - runs completely counter to the Second Amendment. What part of "shall not be...

The Secret Truth About “Gun Crime”

Last night, Fox News' Bill O'Reilly defended the NYPD's now-discontinued stop 'n frisk policing practice. The bloviating blowhard claimed it's OK to trample citizens' Fourth Amendment rights because stop 'n frisk "takes guns off the street."...

NRA IRS and Election Law Fraud Exposed?

I'm not an accountant, a lawyer or tax attorney. So I can't tell you whether or not The NRA’s brazen shell game with donations: A Yahoo News investigation reveals a major scandal in the National Rifle Association's...

More NRA Lies! Or Not . . .

"“They are coming to take your guns away!' That was the message from this past weekend’s annual NRA Convention," Dean Obeidallah writes at "In fact, it’s the same message we have heard...

Kremlinology at the NRA Annual Meeting

My war was the Cold War. I spent a good chunk of my career helping to develop weapons to counter the communist threat. A portion of our intelligence effort was spent attempting to determine...

Mississippi Passes Off-Body Constitutional Carry

38 "Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed a bill that would allow residents to carry a concealed gun in a purse, briefcase or other fully enclosed satchel without a state-issued license," reports. While I'm against off-body carry on principle...

NRA’s Eddie the Eagle Gun Safety Video 2.0

Never let it be said that the NRA is a tad slow to react to changing social trends and new technology, like, say, the increasing diversity of America's gun owners or the introduction of Al...

Question of the Day: Is the NRA in the Gun Industry’s Pocket?

Gun control advocates like to proclaim that the National Rifle Association doesn't represent gun owners. Or the majority of gun owners. This despite the fact that America's oldest civil rights organization has at least five...

Can You Carry a Handgun at the 2015 NRA Annual Meeting in Nashville?

This weekend is the 2015 Annual Meeting for the National Rifle Association. It might sound stuffy -- who likes "meetings" anyway? -- but the biggest draw is going to be the trade show in the...