Bloomberg and Giffords on M855 Ammo Ban: It Wazzunt Me

"Gun control groups are distancing themselves from a failed attempt by the Obama administration to ban certain types of armor-piercing ammunition commonly used in AR-15 hunting rifles," reports, almost getting it right. If you...

NRA Takes M855 Victory Lap

The NRA just released the following statement in response to the news that the ATF has dropped their proposed M855 ammo ban: NRA Forces Obama to Waive White Flag on Proposed Ammo Ban … For...

Question of the Day: Could the NRA Ever Be Classified A Terrorist Group?

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) regularly trawls gun blogs, pro-gun websites and firearms-friendly Facebook pages for ignorant, abusive and threatening comments; fodder to feed their anti-gun agitprop. And they find it. Here's their latest haul...

Attend a Friends of the NRA Dinner and Save a Child!

Being a life member of the NRA, I enjoy not getting a bill every year for dues. I am hit up now and again for donations to NRA-ILA, and I do donate because they are...

NRA Veep Wayne LaPierre’s CPAC Speech

It’s great to be here at CPAC again. Are you having a great conference? Are you ready to make a difference for your country and your freedom? Let me hear you! In November’s elections, we made...

NRA’s 2013 Revenue Revealed

"In the wake of the shooting of 20 children and six staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012, the National Rifle Association quickly began combating calls for stricter gun laws...

NRA Backs Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015

In December, a Federal appeals court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency could not regulate lead ammunition used by hunters. A flock of 101 environmental pressure and advocacy group had sued the EPA in...

Black Rain Introduces First NRA Branded AR-15

The NRA are famous for being a gigantic stick-in-the-mud when it comes to new technology and ideas. The organization banned all silencers from its annual meeting and convention for decades, before finally relenting and...

Former U.S. Ambassador: Fear of Assassination Keeps President Obama From Pursuing Gun Control. Maybe.

"Daniel Howard Simpson (born July 9, 1939 in Wheeling, West Virginia) is a former United States Ambassador to the Central African Republic (1990–92)," informs us. " Special Envoy to Somalia and the United States...

PBS’ Frontline Thumps the NRA for Being Too Good at What It Does

If you've ever seen an episode of Frontline, you couldn't have been terribly surprised by last night's NRA exposé, subtly titled 'Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA'. The NRA's real sin, according to the...

PBS Frontline’s NRA Documentary Airs Tonight (Check Local Listings)

60 I don't know for sure that this will be hatchet job on America's oldest civil rights org (a.k.a., Wayne's world). But I wouldn't bet against it. Calling the documenatry Gunned Down doesn't lead me to...

The NRA Is Losing The PR War

139 "2014 was a banner year for the Second Amendment," proclaims, "at least if we are to judge it by the collapse of the gun-control movement as a serious voice in political society." Roger...