HuffPo: The NRA Are The Bad Guys. Again. Still.

As someone who follows gun news with obsessive, some would say maniacal fervor, I'm here to say that the NRA is the 800-pound gorilla that isn't in the room. In general, America's oldest civil...

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Launch Twitter Campaign Against Alan Jackson...

"If you support gun manufacturers over schoolchildren, you just might be a redneck." That's Craig Johnston's entirely predictable comment under a Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America's Facebook post. This one promotes MDA's Twitter campaign against comedian Jeff...

Alaska Course Teaches Teenage Girls Armed Self-Defense

You might think Alaskan teenagers would know what to do if a two-legged varmint makes camp, ballistically speaking. T'aint necessarily so. Enter Teens on Target, a firearms class that teaches youngsters in the Land of the...

Polish Patriot and Presidential Pal Praises The NRA

Lech Marcinkowski, advisor to the president of the Republic of Poland, penned this piece in praise of the NRA. Republished with permission from Despite all of the criticism directed at the National Rifle Association (NRA), I...

NRA: Shaw v. Malloy Challenges CT AWB and Mag Cap Ban

37 NRA Press Release : While the state of Connecticut ponders how to handle the owners  of thousands of unregistered semi-automatic firearms and magazines in the state, an important NRA-backed case challenging the constitutionality of the state’s...

NYT Editorial Asks “Do Black People Have Equal Gun Rights?”

The Gray Lady's headline - Do Black People Have Equal Gun Rights? - is pure clickbait. National Review staff writer Charles C. W. Cooke's editorial is as solid a pro-guns-for-everyone read as anything you'll find on TTAG. After torturing his lead to...

NRA Targeting Anti-Gun Pols, WA Background Check Referendum

49 The National Rifle Association is spending $11.4 million of its members' money in its campaign to oust anti-gun politicians and defeat the universal background check referendum in Washington State. The above seven-minute gun rights apocalypse...

NRA-ILA: New York Times Mischaracterizes New FBI Report

Republished with permission from the NRA-ILA: Things have sure changed at the New York Times. In 1863, the newspaper used a Gatling gun to scare off a mob of draft protestors. Today, it can’t resist...

NRA Video: 1000-Yard Shot? Easy!

24 I'm not sure why the NRA's videos generate so few views. They're clear, concise, visually compelling, seamlessly edited and voiced by some of shooting's best experts. Maybe it's because some of the tips are a...

Incendiary Image of the Day: NRA Abs Edition

I'm assuming created this image for their join-the-NRA post, Are You One of the Good Guys? Not the NRA. Which is a shame. Or is it? I'm not sure. Every time I link to an Israeli supermodel I...

Cabela’s NRA Weekend September 13-14

When bitching about their failure to pass gun control laws, the civilian disarmament industrial complex refers to their antagonists as "the gun lobby." It's better (for them) than referencing "the broad coalition of gun owners, retailers,...

Is The NRA Fighting Shy of Bloomberg’s Billions?

41 The National Rifle Association has anti-ballistic billionaire bully boy Michael Bloomberg in its proverbial sights. As you can see in the video above - one of a series attacking the former New York City...