NRA’s Nostalgia Is What It Used to Be

127 The NRA's house mag recently portrayed MDA jefe Shannon Watts as a 50's hausfrau. The image was meant ironically. Or was it? The NRA recruitment ad above (which looks more like a spot for the Mormons)...

Anti-Bloomberg NRA Ad Advocates Snacks on the Dash

56 The NRA's new political ad adheres to Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Specifically rule 12: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” The target in question is anti-ballistic billionaire bully boy Michael Bloomberg.

Incendiary Image of the Day: Too Soon? Edition

God bless the Gun Owners of America. Where the National Rifle Association considers the Brady Bill - mandating an FBI background check for the purchase of any firearm from a federal firearm licensee -...

Question of the Day: Is This the Best NRA Ad Ever?

55 I gave the NRA you-know-what for choosing Chuck Norris to lead its "Trigger the Vote" campaign. If you've read any of Mr. Norris' essays at or elsewhere, you'll know that the diminutive actor's...

NRA Pulls Dom Raso’s “Guns for the Blind” Video. Moms Demand Action for Gun...

67 NRA commentator Don Raso posted a video Sunday in which the former Spec Ops commentator argued that blind people should be able to exercise their natural, civil and Constitutional right to keep and bear arms....

American Rifleman: 7 Reasons Why Pocket Pistols Are, Uh, Less Than Ideal

When the NRA's Shooting Illustrated made the ill-conceived, poorly constructed and downright dangerous Remington R51 their cover girl, the buff book's street cred took an enormous self-inflicted hit. Shooting Illustrated's loss was the consumer's gain. I reckon R51-gate triggered a...

Mother Jones: NRA General Counsel Robert Dowlut is a Murderer

If you've been reading these pages in the last few months, you're probably aware that the lefty magazine Mother Jones has been on its own anti-gun jihad of late. Apparently supremely peeved by the...

OMG! Billy Johnson’s Engaging in a Thought Experiment! OMG!

Billy Johnson's genius is in his tendency to look at things from a different angle - one you may not have considered - and then present his point simply and clearly. In his latest...

Media Matters: Registration ≠ Genocide

"A new video commentary released by the NRA references the Holocaust and other instances of persecution to advance the baseless claim that 'the government is collecting more and more gun registration data which could...

Chuck Norris [Not Shown] & NRA Tooling-Up For Nov. Elections

The National Rifle Association’s Freedom Action Foundation is launching their 2014 “Trigger the Vote” Voter Registration Campaign. But because a pun does not a pro-gun voter movement make, the NRA's once again turning to Chuck...

Incendiary Image of the Day: NRA Are Baby Killers Edition

  TTAG reader Hollis Fligg IV posted this image on our Facebook page. The two main custom-made bumper stickers read "THE NRA SLAUGHTERS CHILDREN FOR PROFIT" and "Not all mass child killers use guns Most use...

John Walsh Wants to Be the New Piers Morgan

“'I am the guy that has seen both sides of the issue,' (new CNN host John) Walsh told reporters Monday. 'I own guns. I'm the father of a murdered child. I've done nothing but...