Everytown for Gun Safety Wimps Out

Yesterday, we deconstructed Michael Bloomberg's gun control questionnaire; the former New York City mayor's political purity test for unlocking hizzoner's $50m campaign war chest. Today, I noticed that newyorkmag.com noticed something about the survey that I...

Travis Pike’s Gun Control Crazies’ Comment Cache: Death to the NRA! Edition

We talked about doing it. We thought about doing it. And now we finally really did it. We collected some of the antis' more offensive comments for TTAG readers' dining and dancing pleasure. Well,...

NRA Commentator Dom Raso Hearts Police Militarization. Again. Still.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dImvLn4Kiog&feature=youtu.be TTAG reader JF writes: It seems NRA commentator Dom Raso just doesn't get the pitfalls of up-arming every cop in America to the point where they could fight the Decepticons. He's made a new video...

Facebook Commentator Paul William Lander: I Don’t Get No Respect

Commentator Paul William Lander saw our Facebook post quoting President Obama : "Most members of Congress — and to some degree this is bipartisan — are terrified of the NRA." He penned the following screed. I'm...

THIS is What The NRA Should be Doing. Is Doing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NAW0CmjvaU As you may know I'm not the world's biggest fan of the NRA Freestyle show Noir. Must...not...snark. That said, I really like Dom Raso's Media+Lab Hollywood re-creation show. Although . . . his pro-police militarization video means...

CT Police Dropped the Ball in Murder/Suicide

For some time, the NRA has been saying that the police and courts should enforce existing gun laws - rather than create new ones. Recent events have highlighted the truth about "gun violence." In the Isla Vista...

NRA’s Chris Cox: Open Carry Condemnation Was a Mistake

On Monday, the NRA-ILA issued a "grass roots alert" on the open carry kerfuffle in the Lone Star State. The gun control industrial complex seized on the statement as vindication of their jihad against open...

NRA to Open Carry Texas: Quit Your “Friendly Fire” Foolishness

The NRA-ILA issued the following statement re: "smart guns" and the open carry of long guns. "Here at NRA, we are big fans of responsible behavior … legal mandates, not so much. We think the Founders...

Fudds Are Out There, Somewhere . . .

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17ocaZb-bGg Regular readers know the term "Fudd." It references Elmer Fudd, the cartoon buffoon who hunted wascaly wabbits and ditzy ducks without success. In the gun rights world, a "Fudd" is a gun owner whose single-minded obsession...

The Truth About The Truth About Noir

My last review of the Noir show sets tongues wagging inside and outside the NRA. Hey, they asked for it. Literally. And I did nothing more than tell the truth about the Freestyle show....

TTAG Hearts NRA Freestyle Media Lab

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTbCY1U18BQ Is Dom Rasso's neck bigger than my thigh? I think so maybe yes. But then my neck doesn't need to be that big. I'm not taking head shots from experienced fighters or running around...

MDA’s Shannon Watts to NRA: You’re Turning a Blind Eye to “Gun Extremists”

"When I launched Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, I understood I would encounter opposition from those who took issue with my view – the same held by most gun owners –...