Shooting Illustrated, The Remington R51, and the Erosion of Journalistic Integrity

"It's hard to classify the Remington R51 as anything other than the best new compact 9 mm handgun on the market." That's the official word from Richard Mann, reviewing the R51 in Shooting Illustrated...

30 Cal Gal Anette Wachter on Accurate Fire

The NRA's out with their latest Tips and Tactics series vid and this time they've enlisted a new shooter. The 30 Cal Gal herself, Anette Wachter covers breath control, loading your trigger, all after...

The British View Of America and the NRA

The decline of American journalism since the legacy media decided to stop so much as pretending to be non-partisan tellers of truth and became proud and wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Democrat Party, has been...

NRA Takes a New Approach to Recruitment

Lots of gun owners (like our reader Wendy) think the NRA could do a better job appealing to a younger, wider audience than it does. By the look of the gun rights org's latest...

NRA: Accused Domestic Abusers Can Surrender Guns to Friends or Family

"For nearly a decade, the National Rifle Association successfully blocked a bill in Washington state that would have required alleged domestic abusers to surrender their firearms after being served with a protective order,"

CORRECTION: Everytown for Gun Safety Facebook Page Taken Down by Admin

  TTAG previously reported that Facebook removed the Everytown for Gun Safety main page. I spoke with the page's administrator, a 27-year-old NRA instructor and he called the NRA in regards to his page. The...

Violence Policy Center: NRA Show Shows NRA As Industry Shill

Email blast from the Violence Policy Center re: the NRA's upcoming Annual Meeting (TTAG will be there): Dear VPC Supporter, Wayne LaPierre, Ted Nugent, and the rest of the NRA leadership will be in Indianapolis later...

You Wish Your “Grassroots” Organization Was as Big…

On Saturday night I was a guest of TTAG and Dan Zimmerman at a local event. His wife, my wife and other like-minded folk attended a Friends of the NRA dinner where hundreds of...

STL Friends of the NRA Rakes it In

  Last night in suburban St. Louis, Dirk Diggler, Tim McNabb and I - along with wives and assorted friends - attended the Gateway Friends of the NRA dinner. The whole thing came off without...

Dear Wayne – Why I’m Not Joining the NRA

  Wayne LaPierre Executive Vice President National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, Virginia 22030 Dear Mr. LaPierre, First and foremost I would like to thank you, the NRA and its members for defending our Nations Second Amendment rights.  I...

Non-Incendiary Image of the Day: New Yorkers Against Gun Violence Supports Dr. Vivek Murthy...

"The NRA has launched a campaign against President Obama’s nominee for U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy. Why?" New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV) asks, rhetorically. "Because he believes gun violence is a public health problem." Well...

And Gun Control Advocates Say WE’RE Nuts . . .

99 Charleston, WV Mayor Danny Jones must be a fan of the Talking Heads. Specifically, the song Crosseyed and Painless, wherein the singer complains that "facts don't do what I want them to." In this soon-to-be-famous clip,...