Michael Bloomberg: I Can Outspend the NRA

You remember Katie Couric, right? She's the failed nightly news anchor and failed daytime talkshow host who's fallen out the bottom of the media machine and now has a "show" on yahoo.com. Her most...

Rob Pincus Runs for NRA Board of Directors

TTAG contributor and I.C.E. Training proprietor Rob Pincus is running for a seat on the National Rifle Association board of directors. As he details at his web site, Rob figures being elected would enable him "to...

NRA: Another Attempt at National Reciprocity Concealed Carry Act

  NRA-ILA Press Release The Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2013 (H.R. 2959) has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Congressmen Richard Nugent (R-Fla.) and Jim Matheson (D-Utah).  The bill would allow any person...

NRA-ILA: “The Rule of Law is in Tatters in the ‘Constitution State'”

Make the jump for the best press release I've ever read by the NRA. Clearly, America's oldest civil rights organization is kicking things up a notch, responding to events more quickly and amping up...

Question of the Day: How Does the NRA Appeal to More Urbanites?

  I responded to an email blast and attended an organizational meeting of the St. Louis area Friends of the NRA group last week. They're getting ready to put on their annual rubber chicken dinner...

SF Judge Disses “High Capacity” Magazines

  "I see precious few cases where a homeowner has warded off an intruder with 10 or more bullets." So sayeth U.S. District Judge William Alsup said at the outset of a hearing in San Francisco, where the...

Black History Month’s Black Hole: Gun Rights

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcrIClrGs1M The National Rifle Association is gradually moving away from its not-entirely-undeserved rep as a repository of OFWGs (Old Fat White Guys). The gun rights org's decision to hire YouTube sensation Colion Noir as an...

The NRA Throws a Flag on the NFL’s Bad Call

We still think Marty Daniel's Super Bowl ad submission was a crazy-good bit of gonzo marketing. As in he had to know that the NFL would sooner air a NAMBLA recruitment commercial than a...

Billy Johnson: Just Say No to Firearm Ignorance

Billy may be swimming upstream here, but his point is no less valid. While he doesn't specify, why not start the education process with the nation's local, state and federal legislators? Now there's a...

Question of the Day: Can America Be Disarmed?

Billy Johnson makes the case that there are only two ways to grab Americans' guns: 1) abandon the republican principles on which the nation was founded, or 2) voluntary disarmament. Under number one has...

Billy Johnson on Second Amendment Usage Requirements

In which Billy declares himself and unflinching, unreasonable gun rights advocate. Step off, gun grabbers!