Armed Citizens United = The Real NRA?

50 "Our goal isn’t just to fight new legislation, but to also begin the fight to turn back laws already on the books that we believe infringe on our Constitutionally protected rights," MAC writes at...

Happy Veterans Day

If you're off today - or even if you're not - find yourself a vet and thank him or her for everything they've done to help ensure our way of life. It's the least...

NRA Continues Youth Movement

In their ongoing efforts to attract younger, hipper Gun Culture 2.0ers, the National Rifle Association is adding another voice to their growing stable of non-traditional commentators. Their latest add is garage guy Austin Weiss....

Medium is Extremely Anti-Gun

  Medium is the brainchild of Twitter founder and billionaire-to-be Evan Williams. I think it's supposed to be a blend of Twitter, Reddit and a blog. Or maybe Pinterest, Digg and Tumblr. It's impossible to...

Colion Noir on What Makes You Feel Safe

The narcissism and stupidity I can deal with. If I couldn't, I wouldn't pay as much attention to politics as I do. But "burying your face in the bosom of the government" is an...

Is the Second Amendment Finally Outdated?

Or is that just a bunch of airy-fairy clap-trap spouted by those more comfortable donning a cloak of progressiveness and self-righteous narcissism? The lulz-worthy intro applying gun-grabby "logic" to the First Amendment to illustrate his...

Billy Johnson, For the Children

Billy's back and he cares about the children. Which is why he's pointing the metaphorical finger at domestic violence as a much bigger (if less photogenic and emotionally volatile) problem than mass shootings will...

Question of the Day: Who Cares About the U.N. Small Arms Treaty?

60 Some say that the NRA welcomes the dead-in-the-water U.N. Small Arms Treaty; fears of a U.N. gun grab are a money spinner for the gun rights group. Yes well, the NRA has plenty o'...

OMG! The NRA Hearts Guns! OMG!

Back when the Dems were pushing for a federal law mandating an FBI background check for anyone buying or selling a gun anywhere to anyone for any reason, the party of civilian disarmament attempted...

BREAKING: NRA Response to Kerry Signing U.N. Arms Trade Treaty

Fairfax, Va. – Today, Secretary of State John Kerry signed the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty on behalf of the Obama administration. The National Rifle Association strongly opposes this treaty, which is a clear...

The NRA’s Message AmidsTheNoise

You may have seen one of Billy Johnson's videos posted here before. Nick's quite the fan and for good reason. Johnson's the brain behind the AmidsTheNoise YouTube channel. He has a way of raising...

NRA Veep Vs. David Gregory: Good Guys With Guns Are Go

54 Wow! It lives! In the aftermath of the U.S. Navy Yard spree killing, NRA Veep Wayne LaPierre wakes-up and fires on all cylinders in his head-to-head with the David "Hi Cap" Gregory. Finally. That...