Democracy in Action: Colorado Edition

Only nineteen states afford their citizens the power to recall state officials. That's the bad news. The good news is that Colorado is one of them. And as the recall elections for civilian disarmament...

NRA Signs on With a New Ally – The ACLU

  They say politics makes strange bedfellows. It looks like egregious, possibly illegal invasions of privacy do, too. "The National Rifle Association on Wednesday filed an amicus brief in federal court supporting an American Civil...

Lisa Looper: Beyond the Flash Bang

Lisa Looper's first opus, the Flash-Bang holster, has been the butt of snickers, crass comments and even a What Could Possibly Go Wrong? post. But if it makes the difference between a woman packing heat...

OMG! The NRA is Collecting Names! Of Gun Owners! OMG!

Buzzfeed is shocked and appalled by what they see as the obvious hypocrisy of the NRA. They're out with a breathless piece laying bare for all the world to see the dirty secret that,...

Joy Ann Reid: The NRA Are the Ones in the Black Helicopters

40 When I worked at CNN, Edward R. Murrow was long dead. But the ethos forged by the CBS broadcaster's legacy was alive and well. No self-professed TV journalist would dare not be objective. Every...

Freedom Group CEO Kollitides Fails to Make NRA Board

Some say that Cerberus spendthrift George K. Kollitides II formed The Freedom Group---Remington, Bushmaster Firearms, DPMS/Panther Arms, Marlin, H&R, The Parker Gun, Mountain Khakis, Advanced Armament Corp., Dakota Arms, Para USA and Barnes Bullets---simply to get on...

Hunting Tip of the Day: Run the Action

When I went on my hunting for noobs expedition at Rancho de los Kees last November, my biggest concern - after first finding a deer and getting off a clean shot - was making...

NRA Outdoors Offers Helicopter Hog Hunt

[youtube] Political correctness - where would we be without it? I'm not sure we'll ever know. But I am sure that the NRA Outdoors helicopter hunt package  will give gun grabbers and PETA people...

MAIG Declares Victory on Todd Jones ATF Appointment

As reader Tom S. writes, when you utterly suck and you're furiously trying to remain relevant, it's a good tactic to claim victory even when you've done nothing at all. In fact, it was...

Time Goes Inside the NRA

Gun control and anti-gun control playbooks are breaking out all over. Time magazine sent a blogger inside NRA University to uncover the secret brainwashing education given the college kids preparing to extend and defend Americans' natural,...

Getting a Tactical Range Program Started at Your Club

18 By Anonymous Does your range have a tactical program? Is it dominated by Fudd-type shooters with no interest in action shooting sports? I know perfectly well how frustrating it can be to see all the...

Richard Fowler Supports the Second Amendment, But . . .

69 I support the Second Amendment, but--- How many enemies of the Second Amendment qualify their impending tirade with that preamble? It's like saying I support TTAG linking to Israeli supermodels but they shouldn't use...