Are You Short-Stroking Your Charging Handle?

That can be frustrating and embarrassing. You're there, ready to go into action. The moment is right, but you just can't perform. Never fear. After all, you've reached the age where giving up isn't...

OMG! A Black Guy! Who Likes Guns! OMG!

OK, who blabbed? We weren't supposed to let the gun muggles know that there's a - *gulp* - black man who likes guns, actually owns a few (legally!) and works with the NRA. Can...

“Confiscation Under the Guise of Safety”

"Making our communities safer." Doing something about guns. Security theater. Same as it ever was. And likely will be. The nation's best-looking state attorney general is going all in on Cali's APPS gun grab program. In a...

Sen. Murphy (D-CT) Proposes Constitutional Amendment to Silence NRA, Newspapers

It's getting obvious that the ruling class is becoming a little annoyed that the lowly plebes are learning about the misdeeds of the government and are finding ways to make their small voices heard....

NRA Lobbyist on the Wrong Side of a Gun Issue. Again.

  Marion Hammer's been lobbying on behalf of the National Rifle Association for donkey's years. The last time we heard from the former NRA Prez was April 2011. The cat fancier was explaining why it...

NRA Launches Anti-Manchin Attack Ad

28 After years of cherishing (and trumpeting) his A-rating from the NRA, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin has fallen out of the good graces of the most powerful gun rights organization in the United States...

Colion Noir: They Act, We Live

Demand a plan? Guns for me, but not for thee? It's all par for the Hollywood course. Of course. Want to start a different discussion or ask a question on another topic? Click here to go to...

The Simpsons: Tapped Out Game is Anti-NRA. Very, Anti-NRA

Scene: Herman's Gun Shop. Grandpa Simpson walks in. Herman: "Hey, old man! Want to buy a gun? There's no better way to protect yourself." Grandpa Simpson: "You have no idea! My vision's gone, I'm...

Stop the NRA Aims to Stop the NRA Stopping Civilian Disarmament

[vimeo 67635001 w=400 h=300] We know full well why gun control advocates want to "Stop the NRA." The antis rightly realize that the five million member-strong National Rifle Association is the single greatest roadblock standing...

Quote of the Day: Laugh-a-Minute Edition

"O.K., fellow citizens. Keep fighting the good fight. It makes no sense to insist on guns being checked in baggage where they are of no use to anybody. If the good guys can’t have...

Forbes: NRA Hypocrites for Gun Movie List

26 In his post-Newtown press conference, NRA Veep Wayne LaPierre tried to deflect attention away from Adam Lanza's Bushmaster AR-15. LaPierre criticized society for fostering homicidal urges through violent movies and videogames. “Isn’t fantasizing about...

Quote of the Day: Community Organizing Edition

“At NRA, we believe in true grassroots. We don’t think that volunteers are ‘customers.’ These people are our friends. I’ve been in their homes, I’ve met their children, I’ve sat at their kitchen table,...