NRA Video: A Mother’s Journey to Bearing Arms

From the NRA: "Tracy Scarpulla is a mother of three from Albany, New York. Her husband, Joe, is a U.S. Marine who has always believed in the right to bear arms. Tracy believed, however,...

Question of the Day: Has the NRA Finally Woken-Up?

The battle for gun rights will not be won or lost in the middle class mainstream. It will be fought within minority communities. That's where the need for armed self-defense is highest; where politicians...

Battlespace Preparation?

Is it just us, or does it seem that there's a concerted effort under way to brand the the NRA as a terrorist organization in the collective mind of the public? Sure, a quick...

VP Joe Biden Op Ed Brands the NRA A Terrorist Organization

  In a Sunday op-ed piece for the Houston Chronicle, Biden: Background checks are key to gun safety, Vice President Joe Biden once again puts the NRA in his sights. It's a mean meme and the...

Picture of the Day: One of These Things is Not Like the Others Edition

I'm standing outside the press room here at the NRA Annual Meeting, and there is a series of portraits hanging off the rafters showing various influential NRA members with their firearms. But if you...

Mark Kelley on the NRA: Principle Schminciple. It’s All About the Money, Money, Money

"The NRA is a gun industry trade association masquerading as a shooting sports foundation," ex-astronaut, professional husband and gun control advocate Mark Kelley opined in a Houston Chronicle editorial . "Guns fly off the shelves...

Houston Schools to Eddie the Eagle: FOAD

"Two Houston school district principals have cancelled gun-safety presentations for their young students since learning the National Rife Association is involved," reports. As Fergie would say, h-h-h-h-h-hold it. Who did the principles think ran the...

Illinois Concealed Carry Crippled by Cook County Carve-Out

63 "With just 40 days before a federal court-ordered deadline to enact a law allowing public possession of firearms, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn is holding fast to the notion that decisions about who may carry guns —...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Shepard Fairey, Take 2

Reader Don N. has taken a crack at improving on Shepard Fairey's work a little. Give that America's Dmitry Moor has a less than stellar track record, he probably won't complain. Much.

Obama’s NRA Double Standard

A TTAG reader writes: In this AP story the Prez states: "When politicians try to turn Planned Parenthood into a punching bag, they're not just talking about you. They're talking about the millions of women...