Incendiary Image of the Day: Shepard Fairey Anti-NRA Poster Edition

The buildup was relentless. The buzz surrounding the event incredibly intense. You couldn't have missed the constant promotions, the ineluctable call to action. Yesterday, our nation's capitol played host to the Great Washington March...

Quote of the Day: Credit Where It’s Due Edition

"Our legislative arm and our desire to go into this, to the advocacy business, was really at the behest of a number of Democratic congressmen lead by John Dingell of Michigan, who said at...

Snoop Dog to Pols: Pass Gun Control ‘Cause I Can Buy One (A Gun)

In case you can't be bothered to bathe in the self-righteous righteousness that is Snoop Lion promoting an album, skip to 11:15 for his pro-gun control rant. And if you can't be bothered to...

NRA to Gun Owners: Nice Work. Now Don’t Get Distracted

Email blast from the NRA ILA: While both sides in the gun control debate regroup after our victory in the Senate earlier this week, I want to give credit where credit is due. The credit...

Gun Tweets of the Day: Terrorists, Hell…Blame the NRA

We're still endeavoring to determine if Celeste Leibowitz is related to Fawn (ban kilns!). Whatever the case, in the wake of this morning's shootouts and manhunt,'s compiled a few first blush tweets from those...

MSNBC O’Donnell: NRA Delaying Boston Bombing Investigation

72 I've said it before: MSNBC Commentator Lawrence O'Donnell is insane. His mind's been twisted by an ugly combination of arrogance, aggression, messianic zeal and paranoia. It's no surprise that O'Donnell projects this crazy-ass cocktail...

NRA Ad Focuses on Police One Survey Rejecting Gun Control

41 Dan made the point in his post on an anti-Bloombergian NRA ad: the gun rights org needs to be a whole lot faster on its feet. Police One published their eye-opening, potentially game-changing comprehensive...

Reward Now $1000 for Anyone Who Can Out MAIG’s Man

As we noted earlier, the NRA's finally out with their response to the Mayors Against Gun Ownership Illegal Guns' comprehensive background check spot they unveiled in March. Now the credulous New York Daily News...

NRA Hits Back at MAIG “Gun Owner” Ad. Finally.

"Is it possible he's an actor?" Well, yes. Yes it is. And the NRA's latest effort to punch back twice as hard at the opening salvo in MAIG's $12 million ad blitz is out...more...

Do Gun Makers Really Need Revenue From Criminals and Crazies?

Reader dmac writes: Usually, gun related stories on CNN are aggravating due to their incompleteness and/or use of skewed statistics. This piece, "Why the NRA fights background checks", actually angers me because of the implications Mr. Donohue makes...

Sandy Hook Spree Killer’s NRA Book Implicates the NRA. Or Not.

Yesterday, Connecticut State Attorney Stephen J. Sedensky III released search warrants written in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Spree Killing. Amongst the items inventoried: the NRA Guide to the Basics of Pistol Shooting and an "NRA...

NRA News Adds Two New Commentators

Like what the NRA's done by signing Colion Noir? Then you'll probably be on board with two new faces they've added to keep him company and broaden their message and appeal. New to the...