Mr. Colion Noir Joins NRA News

98 For months, we've been saying that the NRA needs a new face. Well, at least I've been saying it. Having an old fat white guy as your spokesman in today's political environment does you...

It’s Time to Join (or Rejoin) the NRA

One of the more contentious topics here on TTAG concerns the NRA, its mouthpiece, Wayne Lapierre and some of the positions it takes (or doesn't) on various issues. I'm not here to try to...

Chuck Schumer: Did I Say No Universal Registration? I Meant Total Universal Registration.

Chuck Schumer used to be my Senator. And seeing this clip of him going back on his word not two weeks after making a public statement makes me even happier I've moved out of...

African American Leaders Praise NRA, Condemn Disarmament

47 The NRA wasn't formed to protect freed slaves. Which is a shame. Even so, the org's efforts to defend Americans' Constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms has been anything but a shame (no...

Wayne LaPierre Responds to the State of the Union Address [LIVE STREAM]

It looks like NRA spokesman Wayne LaPierre is about to deliver a Valentine's Day present to the gun owners of America. We'll live stream it right here for you. Since this will undoubtedly auto-play...

Latest NRA Ad on “High Capacity” Magazine Ban

Fresh off the presses, here's the NRA's latest retort to Obama's proposed "high capacity" magazine ban. Gotta say the editing quality has gotten a whole lot better on these videos lately as compared to...

Quote of the Day: Because I Say So Edition

“The one thing I want to make clear is, this message of rational gun safety is a message that will be embraced by rural communities as well as urban communities simply because it makes...

NRA Response to Gun Violence Prevention Task Force Report

  Here's the National Rifle Association's (NRA) short and sweet response to the President's Gun Violence Task Force's report . The proposals by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s “Gun Violence Prevention Task Force”, chaired by Rep. Mike Thompson...

Question of the Day: Is Your Blood Boiling Yet?

78 Chris Matthews has as much familiarity with "fairness" as Ronnia Fornstedt has with deep fried mozzarella sticks. And yet the former sportscaster has the temerity to criticize NRA jefe Wayne LaPierre for losing his sense of fairness...

Quote of the Day: I’m Not Worthy Edition

"Some of the NRA's 'enemies' are groups like Hadassah, the U.S. Catholic Conference, and the YWCA. At least all major religions are covered. Then you have your evil, gun-hating corporations like Sara Lee. Sara...