Quote of the Day: Not This Time Edition
"One of the key messages, says a White House official, is to 'drain the drama and fear' out of what the president is proposing. The message the president wants to send is that he's...
Incendiary Image of the Day: The Gun Culture War Begins
Back in the day, the National Rifle Association (NRA) was a fusty old thing. But then every major special interest group was fusty. The pre-mimeograph technology of the day made agitating for a cause...
NRA Still Winning the School Safety Debate
Despite being mercilessly mocked by the MSM for suggesting armed police officers be put in schools -- a program the NRA dubbed the National School Shield program -- the idea has quickly taken hold...
Quote of the Day: Riding the Storm Out Edition
"One should be careful not to underestimate the power of the opposition. It’s true that the National Rifle Association poured money into last year’s election only to see President Obama — and many other NRA targets...
Quote of the Day: The Old College Try Edition
"It's nonsensical for the NRA to argue that even if we issue another assault weapon's ban, the 'bad guys' will still find a way to obtain and use a gun for their future crimes. If that's...
Suarez vs. Assam: Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!
Jeanne Assam famously stopped a spree killer, Matthew Murray, at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs in December of 2007. He'd killed four people and wounded five others when Assam, a former Minneapolis...
‘School Security’ Means Armed Teachers
In response to the NRA's proposal to put armed guards in schools, gun grabbers have been shouting that armed security guards at Columbine High School weren't effective in stopping the carnage there. It's...
Quote of the Day: Another Violent Anti-Gunner Edition
"Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever...
OMG! Silencers! And The NRA Likes ‘Em! OMG!
Salon's Alexander Zaitchik has just uncovered the latest NRA infamnia: promotion of the silencer business. Seriously! "Under the trade banner of the American Silencer Association, manufacturers have come together with the support of the NRA to...
OMG! Teachers! Learning to Use Guns! OMG!
Holy crap...this teachers learning to use firearms thing is for real! Just like the NRA proposed! And Alexander Abad-Santos is freaking out over it! He read a Reuters report about 200 teachers in Utah...
Incendiary Image of the Day: This is What a Gun Control Rally Looks Like...
Tom Selleck Should Be the NRA’s Official Spokesman
The above confrontation between actor Tom Selleck and chat show host Rosie O'Donnell appeared in 1999. Tom is still a working actor and an NRA Board member. The National Rifle Association (NRA) should...