Armed and Fabulous: NRA Wants More Women
More women getting into the shooting sports? Yeah, we know. It's been one of the most over-done stories of the gun boom. But that doesn't mean there aren't a lot more women to be...
Quote of the Day: Looking for Trouble Edition
(A)ccording to the FBI, of the approximately 11,000 gun homicides every year, on average less than 300 are justifiable self-defense killings. The research tells us that what is happening in the real world bears...
Stoeger’s M3500 Wins NRA’s Golden Bullseye
They like it, they really like it! The NRA has named Stoeger's new shotty, the M3500, a Golden Bullseye winner. Not bad going in a crowded field, and the $629 (msrp) price will leave...
Quote of the Day: Ordered Liberty Edition
"We have a gun culture that's here to stay. Despite decades of violence, including mass killings, the National Rifle Associated has scored numerous legislative victories in the liberalization of gun laws, and the Supreme...
Chicago Teacher: “NRA: These Porch Monkeys Deserve to Die”
This is what desperation sounds like.
Quote of the Day: Sound Regulation Edition
"The Second Amendment was written for a reason, and the efforts by the NRA and others to divert our attention is a dangerous, unacceptable abuse of history. To neglect the intention of the Constitution...
New York Times Finds World’s Only Anti-2a Hunter
I recently lauded The New York Times for publishing an article about guns that wasn't anti-gun. I pointed out that the post was a proverbial black swan. And here's proof: I Hunt, but the N.R.A....
Rick Ector: Why the NRA Doesn’t Include Blacks
Rick Ector gets LAID. As he should; it's the name of his website (Legally Armed in Detroit). Rick Ector also gets the fact that the National Rifle Association is not his target demographic. And...
Memo to African Americans: Carry a Gun
I am not a racist. I believe everyone should be treated equally regardless of their race, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, able bodiedness, love of action figures and any other category you...
Incendiary Image of the Day: 2AJL Edition
Somehow that's not the mental picture I have of the NRA.
Professional Retention: N8² Tactical’s Tuckable IWB Solution
We stopped by N8² Tactical's hopping booth where everyone was hard at work hawking their latest (as well as the oldies but goodies), the Professional model retention IWB tuckable holsters. Amanda Beard, who's married...
Knife Confiscation at NRA Annual Meeting
Seeing as the presidential candidates (and their Secret Service friends) are addressing attendees here, when entering the hall where the speakers were speaking yesterday the security detail completely disarmed the entire crowd. We're talking...