Mag Cap Madness: Arsenal’s 10 Round Mag for 7.62X39 Ammo

4 Of all the stupid gun laws that have ever been written, including the one in Chicago not allowing a legal gun owner to take his weapon onto his porch, the laws restricting magazine capacity...

Shock! Horror! NRA Endorses Democrats!

With all the kerfuffle over the NRA's non-endorsement of Pelosi wing man Harry Reid, the left-leaning mainstream media seems to have forgotten that the National Rifle Association is not a sub-division of the Tea...

NRA Promotes Domestic Terrorism. Or Not.

The left wing press was all up in arms (so to speak) earlier this year when Tea Partiers adopted the "Don't Tread on Me" flag as part of their political canon (so to speak)....

NRA Smoking Gun on National Parks Rifle Regs

1 has some inside baseball stuff on the National Rifle Association's (NRA) lobbying efforts in our nation's capitol. Unless you're a beltway boy, it's pretty esoteric stuff. Suffice it to say, "Shocking new e-mails...

Heller Attorney Gura Seeks $3.2m Fee from Washington, D.C.

Before the McDonald case, Attorney Alan Gura (left) helped beat the City of Washington, D.C. in the Supreme Court Heller case. In both cases, his petition led to the Court's decision to strike down...

U.N. Small Arms Treaty Not a Gun Grab. Still.

Everyone needs a boogyman. Sorry, bogeyman. That's doubly true for gun rights groups: the NRA et al. need a boogying bogeyman to frighten gun owners into opening their wallets. Nothing gets those donation dollars...

Is the NRA Relevant?

My recent stories for TTAG about the National Rifle Association's PR problems have hit something of a nerve. More specifically, members are up in arms about the NRA's flirtation with Democratic House leader Harry Reid...

NRA and Bling. Why Bother?

As you might have read elsewhere on TTAG, I'm a recently-minted Life Member of the NRA. If you attend an NRA confab, you'll see several booths where they offer the opportunity to upgrade your...

SIG522 Classic > AR = America’s Rifle

From the American Rifleman's review of the SIG522 Classic: "The tactical-style rimfire is part of a wave among manufacturers recognizing that much of the appeal of tactical rifles is 'play.' You have a rifle that looks like those issued to...

NRA Essay Contest Winner Unsure About Second Amendment Rights

Arielle Mueller won this year's National Rifle Association's (NRA) Youth Education Summit (just say yes to guns!) essay contest. The Minnesotan high school student gets a free trip to Heller-land (Washington, D.C.) courtesy America's foremost...

NRA: Elena Kagan Unfit for the U.S. Supreme Court

Dear Chairman Leahy and Ranking Member Sessions: We are writing to announce the National Rifle Association's position on the confirmation of Solicitor General Elena Kagan as Associate Justice ofthe United States Supreme Court. Other than declaring...

Reid’s NRA Endorsement Imminent?

Full disclosure: I'm a Life Member of the NRA. Full(er) disclosure: that could change, if the NRA keeps doing incredibly stupid things. Case in point, the idea that they might well endorse Harry Reid's...