NRA Jefe to Mexican Ambassador: Mind Your Own Business
Recently, the Mexican Ambassador to the United States told the Council of Foreign Relations in New York that the National Rifle Association (NRA) should combat U.S. to Mexico gun-running by . . . sounding the...
NRA Ends Pre-Election Lobbying With Country Music
"Thanks for sticking with the NRA," NRA realpolitikmeister Chris Cox writes, pre-election. "And helping put us in a position to have a major impact in races across the country. With your help, we will continue to...
NRA sticker = Theft Magnet?
I became a crime victim last week. When I stepped off the light rail and walked to my car on Friday, I was greeted by the unpleasant sight of a carpet of shattered glass...
NRA Can’t Say “Remington Model 700 is Safe” Either
The National Rifle Association has plenty of good reasons to support Remington in its defense of the Model 700, recently vilified by CNBC. For example, Remington and the NRA cut a deal just last...
WaPo Has a Hard-on for “The Gun Lobby”
It must be nice to live in Washington Post world, where there are good guys (the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) and bad guys (the National Rifle Association). It makes analysis a...
NRA in the Crosshairs Over Cops
I recently flagged the fact that the right of local police chiefs to approve or deny concealed carry gun permits is one of the key battlegrounds for gun rights. In the effort to remove that...
Is The NRA Secretly Supporting Gun Control?
Conspiracy theories are all well and good--until someone puts a Twin Tower out. Then you take your eye off the ball, mistaking your friends for enemies and encouraging Mel Gibson to make movies that...
NRA Survey Stacks the Deck
"Are you going to take this?" That's what National Rifle Association (NRA) Supreme Being Wayne LaPierre wants to know, via email. Apparently, Mssr. LaPierre just got the memo on the Chicago City Council's post-McDonald package...
NRA Puts Its Money Where The GOP Is
There's been a lot of media chatter about the National Rifle Association's (NRA) Democratic endorsements. God knows why. The gun rights group has been supporting candidates on both sides of the aisles for decades,...
Mag Cap Madness: Arsenal’s 10 Round Mag for 7.62X39 Ammo
Of all the stupid gun laws that have ever been written, including the one in Chicago not allowing a legal gun owner to take his weapon onto his porch, the laws restricting magazine capacity...
Shock! Horror! NRA Endorses Democrats!
With all the kerfuffle over the NRA's non-endorsement of Pelosi wing man Harry Reid, the left-leaning mainstream media seems to have forgotten that the National Rifle Association is not a sub-division of the Tea...