Oh, The Humanity: Latest Polling Shows a Majority of Americans Now Oppose an ‘Assault...
Americans have purchased modern sporting rifles (MSRs) by the millions and are becoming more aware of the firearm’s functionality and operation. As a result, a new poll shows Americans increasingly do not support a...
What’s In Your Wallet? – Discover Is the First Gun Store Transaction Tracking Credit...
Discover credit cards needs to go slogan shopping. The old ones won’t work now that the credit card financial services company has decided to go along with the newly-assigned merchant category code (MCC) for...
New York and California Show What Anti-Gun States Should and Shouldn’t be Doing to...
By Joe Bartozzi
California and New York have among the nation’s strictest gun control laws. The governors of each state often brag about forcing even more restrictions on law-abiding gun owners rather than getting tough...
Corrupt Mexican Government Blames US Gun Makers for the Illegal International Arms Trade
Mexico must believe that its lawsuits against firearm manufacturers and firearm retailers are on legal life support. The country is now turning to the United Nations’ Ninth Conference of States Parties (CSP9) to the...
California Bill Would Mandate Banking Discrimination Against Gun Manufacturers
Never underestimate the ability of California lawmakers to embrace the wildest ideas when it comes to eliminating gun rights. Other states are pushing back on “woke” banking discrimination. Not California. There’s an effort there...
Bird Colonel Trashes Tin Eagles With False Testimony in California ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Case
By Mark Oliva
Retired Marine Colonel Craig Tucker is throwing in his 25 years of Marine Corps service, combat experience and military expertise to deny Californians their Second Amendment rights. The problem is, he’s doing...
Keane: Mayors Blaming Gun Makers for Blue City Violence is an Abdication of Responsibility
A coalition of mayors recently gathered to discuss violent crime prevention in their cities. Only 10 of America's many mayors chair this group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), which is part of Michael Bloomberg's Everytown for...
One Thing Biden Didn’t Mention During the SOTU – Cratering Support for Gun Control
By Larry Keane
Those tuning in to watch President Biden’s State of the Union address saw and heard a few things when he entered the U.S. House of Representatives to address Congress and the nation....
Gavin Newsom Flaunts His Contempt for 2A Rights While Gun Control Laws Fall All...
California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom might be pining for a chance at the country’s highest political office, but he needs a refresher on Civics 101. Specifically, he should get a refresher on how the...
January Gun Sales Total of Over 1.2 Million Firearms is the 4th Highest On...
Never before has the federal government and its regulatory apparatus been more weaponized against lawful gun ownership. Never before have more states enacted more gun control law, directly in contradiction of Supreme Court precedent...
Judge Block NJ’s Gun Industry ‘Nuisance Law,’ Says It’s ‘In Direct Conflict With the...
Like New York before it, New Jersey enacted a law enabling lawsuits brought by plaintiffs against gun makers and retailers under the state's consumer protection laws. It's designed to allow victims of "gun violence"...
NSSF Files Motion for an Injunction to Block Enforcement of Illinois ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban
From the National Shooting Sports Foundation . . .
NSSF, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, filed a motion for a preliminary injunction to block state authorities from enforcing HB 5471, the recently-enacted “Protect Illinois Communities Act,” which...